Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Election Data Access and Request Form

Election Data Access and Request Form

Boulder County Elections is pleased to offer the below reports free of charge and available for download. All data comes from the Colorado Statewide Voter Registration Database (SCORE) and is provided in its original, unaltered form in a delimited text format. To review the data, you will need an appropriate software program (such as Microsoft Access or Excel).

All information contained in these reports is considered public under state law. Data files do not include voters who are protected as “confidential” voters in accordance with Colorado law (C.R.S. 24-72-204). Voter data is not provided for pre-registered voters under age 18 (C.R.S. 1-2-227). We will never disclose voters’ social security numbers, driver’s license or state-issued identification numbers, electronic copies of voter signatures, voter email addresses, or how a voter voted (which becomes anonymous during the ballot processing procedure when ballots are separated from their envelope). (C.R.S. 1-2-302, C.R.S. 1-1-110 and 1-7-105)

Boulder County Elections cannot provide data processing or technical support for these files. If you encounter an issue downloading a file, please contact us during normal business hours at 303-413-7740. The most recent file will always be posted. If for some reason a new file isn’t available from the Secretary of State’s website, the previous file will remain available.

This file contains relevant details for active and inactive registered voters in Boulder County; confidential voters are not included. This file is useful as a simple voter list for voter communications.

Sample output fields include: Voter ID, Voter Name, Residential Address, City/State/Zip, Phone Number, Registration and Effective Date, Party, Affiliation Date, Status, Mailing Address, Mailing City/State/Zip/Country, ID required, Gender, Birth Year

Frequency updated: Once per month by the first calendar day of the month

Available for download at

This file contains relevant details for active registered voters in Boulder County; confidential voters are not included. The export, which includes the voter’s current mail and/or in-person voting status, can be used to identify voters who have or have not yet voted.

Sample output fields include: Voter ID, Name, Year of Birth, Gender, Party, Preference, Phone, UOCAVA Status, Precinct, Residential Address, Mailing Address, Vote Method, Mail Ballot Sent Date, Mail Ballot Received Date, Voted Party, In Person Vote Date, Ballot Issuing Location

Frequency updated: Updated weekdays, this report is posted Monday – Friday beginning 22 days before an election. The last report will be posted 10 days after the election.

Available for download at

This file contains relevant voter details and voting history for active and inactive registered voters in Boulder County; confidential voters are not included.

Sample output fields include: Voter ID, Election Type, Election Date, Election Description, Voting Method, Party, County Name; and for each Voter ID, the Voter Names, Registration Date, Phone Number, Residential and Mailing Addresses, Voter Status, Gender, Birth Year, Precinct, and Districts.

Frequency updated: Updated once per month by the first business day of the month, excluding holidays.

Available for download at

This file is a list of voters (no confidential voters) with ballots that have been rejected for one of the following “curable” reasons: No signature, signature discrepancy, or valid identification required. Prior to the Friday before Election Day, the list includes ballots that are rejected for a curable reason that have been in that status for at least 72 hours. Beginning Friday after Election Day, the list is current without any lag time. If the voter provides the appropriate information, their ballot can be “cured” so that their ballot can be fully processed. As individuals “cure” their ballot envelopes, their names are automatically removed from the report.

Sample output fields include: Voter ID, Name, Year of Birth, Party, Phone, Residential Address, Mailing Address, Ballot Address, Mail Ballot Sent Date, Mail Ballot Received Date, Reject Reason

Frequency updated: This report is posted hourly between 7AM and 11PM beginning 19 days before an election. The last report will be posted at the end of the eighth day after election day.

Available for download at

For map orders and other data requests beyond the above publicly available reports, please complete the form below. A payment may be required for your request.

Additional information:

  • Open Records: This data request form cannot be used for Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests. Please use the Boulder County CORA portal to submit CORA requests.
  • Results, Ballot Content, Voter Registration Counts, Etc. Data: Before submitting a request, please review the elections website to see if we have the data you are seeking available. For instance, ballot content for past elections may be found by reviewing TABOR content or sample ballot content by year. Or, if you are looking to get voter registration counts, such as how many unaffiliated voters are there in Longmont, try using our Active Voter Registration Counts tool (unofficial purposes only).
  • Payment: If your request requirements payment (typically due to significant research time), you will receive an email with your data request along with payment instructions. Please allow up to 3 business days for a staff member to be in touch regarding cost. If no payment is required, we will process your request and notify you via email when the data is available.
Fill out my online form.

Contact Us

Elections Division


303-413-7728 (Fax)
Boulder County Elections website

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* Longmont and Lafayette locations only offer paper voter registration forms
+ The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

Mailing Address

1750 33rd St., Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301

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