Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

High School Student Voter Registration Liaisons and Educational Resources
High School Voter Registration Program Banner

High School Voter Registration Liaison Program

#IM A VOTER, High School voter registration infographic

In Colorado, every high school is required to appoint a Voter Registration Liaison to assist with voter registration on campus. We work with BVSD and SVVSD high schools to identify, train, and provide resources for these Liaisons as they seek to promote awareness about voter registration and democratic engagement at their schools.

Not sure who your voter registration liaison is? View our list of liaisons by school, ask your principal, or contact us! We welcome you to join us in our efforts to grow voters among the youth in Boulder County.

Looking for resources to promote democracy in your school or stats to help with a school project? Check out our educational resources including election statistics, videos about voting in Boulder County, and external resources including local and national voting statistics.

About the Voter Registration Liaison Program

What is a Voter Registration Liaison

Colorado Election Law (Title 1, Article 2, Part 4, 1-2-402 and 1-2-403) states that every public high school principal needs to appoint a staff person to help citizens register to vote while on school grounds. This person is referred to in statute as a “high school deputy registrar,” but in Boulder County we refer to them as a High School Voter Registration Liaison. This person is trained in voter registration basics by their county clerk’s office.

Typical examples of staff members who take on this role include civics, social studies, or similar teachers; high school administrators; or guidance counselors. However, liaisons can be any staff member at the school – and some schools have more than one liaison!

Wall plaque for the Eliza Pickrell Routt Award
Eliza Pickrell Routt Award
Are most of your seniors registered to vote? Colorado high schools which have 85% or more of their seniors registered to vote can apply for the Eliza Pickrell Routt Award. Visit the Secretary of State’s website to learn more and apply for the award.

What does a Voter Registration Liaison do?

The liaison promotes and encourages voter registration or preregistration of all eligible students and school employees by making registration forms and information available at school during open hours for classes or at other school events available on school grounds.

The liaison is the “go to” person in the school who helps to register and preregister eligible voters by:

  • Answering questions
  • Making voter registration forms available and sharing the online voter registration link at
  • Checking and validating registration paperwork for accuracy and completeness (when possible and as appropriate)
  • Forwarding or coordinating pick up of the registration paperwork to Boulder County Clerk and Recorder’s office

How do I become a Voter Registration Liaison?

Liaisons are appointed by school principals. If you are interested in becoming a liaison for your school, talk with your principal to find out how to get started. Once you are appointed as a Voter Registration Liaison, you must also complete the following steps:

  • Step 1: Email the Vote Center and Outreach Supervisor at to receive a link to the Liaison Training Class. It takes about 15-30 minutes to complete the training program.
  • Step 2: Send any completed paperwork from the class to and set up a time to be sworn in as a High School Voter Registration Liaison.
  • Step 3: Complete your oath as a High School Voter Registration Liaison (done over the phone).

Liaisons by School

Each high school in Colorado is required to have an appointed High School Voter Registration Liaison. Find your liaison in our lists below.

Note: BVSD schools not located in Boulder County are not listed. Please contact your county Elections office or your school’s principal to find your liaison.

Arapahoe Ridge – Michael Ryan
Boulder High – Jane Moody
Boulder Prep – Kenny Gillis
Boulder TEC – Amy Buss
Boulder Universal – Vacant
Centaurus – Ayrica Mason
Fairview – Aaron Hendrikson
Halcyon – Vacant
Justice – Tijani Cole
Monarch – Megan Navarro
Nederland – Jilene Norman
New Vista – Kara Pfouts
Peak to Peak – Isaac Galef-Brown

Note: SVVSD schools not located in Boulder County are not listed. Please contact your county’s Elections office or your school’s principal to find your liaison.

LaunchED Virtual Academy – Katelynn Ryan
Longmont – Graham Buhse
Lyons – Jenna Machado
Main Street – Jessika Losee
Niwot – Sarah Demmel
New Meridian (formerly Olde Columbine) – Frank Cifrese
Silver Creek – Julie Forbes
Skyline – Katie Strock
St. Vrain Virtual High School (formerly Online Global Academy) – Vacant
Twin Peaks High – Jen Whitmer

Crossroads School – Konni Keuter
Dawson School – Vacant
Desiderata School – Vacant
Longmont Christian School – Vacant
September School – Vacant
Shining Mountain Waldorf School – Vacant
Temple Grandin School – Vacant
Tara Performing Arts High School – Vacant
Watershed School – Vacant
Chinook West High School – George Walters

Resources and Ideas to Promote High School Voter Registration

Liaisons can use the following resources to encourage students to register to vote and to promote democracy in their high school. Contact our program coordinator (contact information listed below) if you have questions about any of these resources.

Student Voter Registration Awareness Week and Beyond

  • Promote High School Student Voter Registration Awareness Week by making daily announcements via loud speaker or video presentation that week. View sample announcements.
  • Post flyers in school, send them directly home with students and/or parents. Flyers are also provided to liaisons upon request. Download the 2025 flyer.
  • Interview someone from Boulder County Elections for your student newspaper or media club. Reach out to us to schedule an interview! We’d love to talk about why youth registration and voting is so important.
  • Host a Voter Registration Table during lunch with staff from Boulder County Elections.
  • Host an Elections Presentation in your classroom. We would love to come talk to your students about the elections process in Boulder County.
  • Present to your students anytime on voter registration basics. Liaisons have access to our 45 minute and 15-minute template presentations available through the online portal (see your email for platform access or get in touch).
  • Follow our Social Media accounts and share our posts leading up to the election. We’ll tag your school. Let us know if you’d like us to tag your personal account too! Find us on:

Boulder County Elections Videos

Share these short videos with your class to help them learn more about elections in Boulder County. Visit our YouTube channel for more videos.

Mail Ballot Security in Boulder County
(2 minutes)

Your Signature Makes Your Vote Count
(90 seconds)

Services at a Vote Center
(2 minutes)

Ballot Processing Center Tour – Short Version
(90 seconds)

Ballot Processing Center Tour – Long Version
(5 minutes)

Classroom Education Resources

High School Elections Contact

Please get in touch so we can support your voter registration efforts!
Nicholas Abruscato, Vote Center and Outreach Supervisor

Contact Us

Elections Division


303-413-7728 (Fax)
Boulder County Elections website

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* Longmont and Lafayette locations only offer paper voter registration forms
+ The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

Mailing Address

1750 33rd St., Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301

Boulder County Elections logo