Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Integrating for Equity
baby and toddler

Integrating for Equity Project

The Integrating for Equity Project works to improve the social-emotional, mental, and clinical health of low-income children ages birth to two years-old. The project helps young families by improving the physical, behavioral, social, housing, and public health systems that serve them.

Expanded Partnerships

The Integration for Equity Collaborative expands on a proven partnership between Boulder County agencies to improve health outcomes among young children and their families.

This multi-sector collaborative includes:

By integrating services, the project will improve the ability for families and individuals to achieve health, social, emotional, basic living, and developmental goals. By working together, existing programs become more effective and data can be shared to evaluate the program.

The Collaborative Will:

  • Improve the experience of care among young children and families that utilize services at the four agencies.
  • Improve the health and social-emotional outcomes of young children and self-sufficiency outcomes of families.
  • Reduce the cost of care via a reduction in duplication of efforts and improved, more strategic investments across the safety net continuum.
  • Improve the professionals’ experience of providing care for young children and their families.

Key Activities of Integrating for Equity Project

  1. Finalize and use a shared set of care experience and outcome measures across the four agencies for assessment and evaluation.
  2. Develop an integrated continuous quality improvement (CQI) process for improving services for children 0-2 years and their families across the four partner agencies.
  3. Identify technical requirements for sharing data between physical, behavioral, social, and public health and housing data systems.
  4. Link data systems to improve care coordination and data warehousing capabilities.
  5. Implement shared care coordination and data warehousing within the integrated CQI process.
  6. Share evaluation and reporting of implementation and resulting program performance.
  7. Use shared evaluation to inform strategic investments within and between the four agencies.
  8. Report and share lessons learned about data and concurrent CQI process with other counties and states, including the sharing of the data architecture developed.

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Public Health Improvement Process

Main: 303-441-1100
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3450 Broadway
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Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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