April 13, 2020
Community Justice Services Continues Services at Boulder County Jail
Boulder County Community Justice Services continues to provide programming and re-entry support to incarcerated and recently released individuals
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Community Justice Services (CJS) continues to provide programming and re-entry support to individuals currently incarcerated. The county’s five jail-based programs continue to operate in order to provide skills, support, and resources to individuals currently enrolled in programming in the jail. The five jail-based programs include Mental Health Diversion Program (MHDP), Bridges Behavioral Health Court Liaison (Bridges), Behavioral Health Assistance Program (BHAP), Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP), and the Jail Education and Transition Program (JET).
A collaborative re-entry team made up of members of the five CJS jail-based programs has been created to provide comprehensive re-entry support to individuals preparing for, or unexpectedly released during COVID-19. This team is providing updated resources weekly to jail staff, probation, and court liaisons to ensure clients have access to current re-entry support resources. Each team continues to provide re-entry support to clients to ease the stress of transitioning to the community during this time.
Support by these programs provided to currently incarcerated individuals are: independent study program and peer support, supportive counseling via video calls, recovery and relapse prevention support, connection to skills to manage the stress and uncertainty individuals incarcerated may be experiencing, as well as re-entry support to address immediate re-entry needs to support individuals’ transitioning into the community.
CJS jail-based programming and re-entry support continues through the collaboration of these teams in coordination with the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office has ensured these programs can continue through provision of free video sessions with individuals and program staff. This service ensures individuals who participate in programs during this uncertain time continue to find support in their recovery and mental health needs while incarcerated. Weekly communication between CJS jail-based staff and Sheriff’s Office jail staff is ongoing to best support individuals programming needs.
If there are individuals who found themselves released unexpectedly due to the COVID-19 early release criteria, the five CJS jail-based teams continue to offer re-entry support. Anyone recently released from Boulder County jail and that need ongoing support transitioning into the community are encouraged to please contact JET Team member Deb Smith at dsmith@bouldercounty.org or 720-827-7880.
For current or updated information on these programs, please also visit the CJS website at bouldercounty.gov/departments/community-services/community-justice-services/
For additional questions or information, please contact Marco Prospero, CJS Administrator at mprospero@bouldercounty.org or call 303-441-3664.