April 24, 2019
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Lockdown at Arapaho Ridge High School and Campus
Lockdown lifted, threat found to be unsubstantiated
Boulder County, Colo. - At approximately 12:49 p.m. this afternoon, the Boulder County Communications Center received a Safe2Tell report of a person with a gun at Arapahoe Ridge High School, located at 6600 Arapahoe Avenue in unincorporated Boulder County.
Deputies from the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office responded to the high school to conduct a thorough search of the school and grounds to determine if any threat existed.
The school was originally placed in lockout and later placed into lockdown. The lockdown included all schools and programs on the campus including Arapahoe Ridge High School, Boulder Technical Education Center, Boulder Universal, BVSD Online, Engage Academy and the BVSD Transition Center.
During a lockdown the threat is considered to be inside the building. Classroom doors are closed and locked and everyone is encouraged to turn off lights and stay out of sight until law enforcement is able to clear building.
Agencies responding the high school included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Boulder Police Department, Colorado State Patrol and Lafayette Police Department.
The school was cleared by Law Enforcement Officers shortly after 3 p.m., after which, the school resumed normal operations and released the students. Law Enforcement identified a student who most likely was the subject of the Safe2Tell report. The subject was cooperative with the investigation, the threat was not substantiated.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff’s Office case number is: #19-2277
/S/ Commander Nick Goldberger