January 30, 2019
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
County Sheriffs of Colorado scholarship program open to Boulder County students
Boulder County, Colo. - The County Sheriffs of Colorado, Inc. (CSOC), the state sheriffs’ association, will award a $500 scholarship to a deserving Boulder County student to be used for the fall 2019 or spring 2020 semester.
Scholarship announcements have been mailed to all high school offices in the eligible counties and to all Colorado higher education institutions. Applications are available online at www.csoc.org, or on the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office website. Applications are due on Feb. 22, 2019.
Applications will be reviewed by a local committee appointed by the sheriff, and a selection will be made on the basis of criteria established by CSOC. This criterion includes leadership, merit, character, involvement and career purpose.
Any resident of Boulder County enrolled in, or applying to, a vocational training program or institution of higher learning in the state of Colorado as a full or part-time student is eligible to apply. There are no restrictions as to the course of study or training which may be pursued, and no restrictions are placed upon applications by reason of race, creed, age, sex or national origin.
This is the 40th year that County Sheriffs of Colorado has made such scholarships available. A scholarship will be awarded in more than 30 Colorado counties this year.
For more information, contact your local high school, college, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office or County Sheriffs of Colorado.