Stage 1 fire restrictions, enacted for unincorporated areas of western Boulder County.

News Archive
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October 26, 2021

RCD awarded Gold Level status by CDPHE Environmental Leadership Program

Boulder County, Colo. -The State of Colorado’s Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) recently announced that Boulder County Public Works' Resource Conservation Division (RCD) would be awarded Gold Level status as part of their Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) for 2021. RCD had previously been awarded Silver Status by the CDPHE.

The ELP is a statewide environmental and reward program which offers benefits and incentives to members that voluntarily go beyond compliance with state and federal regulations and are committed to continual environmental improvement.

“ELP members have engaged in thousands of environmental efforts that have reduced their environmental impacts and increased efficiency,” according to a statement from the CDPHE. “Along the way, they have not only changed the way they do business, but improved their communities as well.”

“This award was truly earned by everyone within Boulder County," said Darla Arians, Resource Conservation Division Manager. "The staff at RCD are mission-driven and believe in the work we do, and their efforts are reflected in this award."

“We have incredible support from the Commissioners and leadership throughout the county to help us carry out the essential programs and services which help us provide environmental services, and particularly towards helping the county reach its goal of Zero Waste or Darn Near by 2025,” Learn more about RCD at Learn more about CDPHE's Environmental Leadership Program on their website.

ELP Gold