Volunteer Visitor Program
Volunteer Visitors are paired with an older adult whom they visit for two hours once a week. The older adults who receive a visitor are experiencing social isolation and/or compromised health. Visits focus on companionship and activities; volunteers do not provide hands-on care. If the older adult lives with a caregiver, the visits allow the caregiver to take a break. Volunteers must be at least 21 years old. For more information or to apply, please see Volunteer Visitor Program Details or contact Pamela Craig at VolunteerVisitorProgram@bouldercounty.gov or 720-864-6526.
Get additional caregiving or respite services
Medicare Counselor
As a Medicare Counselor you can help adults 65 and over and people with disabilities and their caregivers learn about Medicare, make informed choices about the health care to which they’re entitled, and solve Medicare-related problems. Volunteers must be at least 21 years old. Training is provided. For more information or to apply, please see Medicare Volunteer Counselor opportunity details or contact us at MedicareCounseling@bouldercounty.gov or 303-441-1546.
Wellness Coach
Help older adults achieve their wellness goals by joining us as a Wellness Coach! The Healthy Aging Program provides several evidence-based health education classes to Boulder County residents 60 and over. These workshops address common health concerns such managing chronic conditions, preventing diabetes, and falls prevention.
We have opportunities to volunteer in Spanish and English programs, either virtual or in person, with flexible hours and training included. Questions? Email us at infohealthyaging@bouldercounty.gov or call 303-441-3774.
LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee
Community members help advise the LGBTQ+ programs and services provided to the LGBTQ+ older adult community, focusing on support to promotion of the Project Visibility documentary, the Lavender Gala, Pride, and more. 90-minute monthly meetings required for a one year commitment. For more information, please contact Michael Chifalo at mchifalo@bouldercounty.gov or 303-441-4518.
Aging Advisory Council
Help shape how the Area Agency on Aging assists older adults. Serving in an advisory capacity, the Aging Advisory Council helps in the administration and planning of Older Americans Act programs by gathering information and ideas that could help coordinate the delivery of services and responding effectively to the strengths and needs of older adults throughout Boulder County. AAC Members serve three-year terms. Visit the Advisory Boards and Commissions page for more details and click on “View Current Vacancies and Apply” to see openings; or for more information contact Lindsay Neville at lneville@bouldercounty.gov or call 303-906-7509.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Advocate for residents of assisted living and nursing homes. Under the direction of a supervisor, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Volunteers work with residents and staff of long-term care facilities, assisting with receiving, investigating, and resolving complaints in these facilities, as well as advocating for the rights of the residents. Volunteers also provide information about the ombudsman program to residents, staff, family members and the community-at-large. For more information, please call 303-441-1173 or email infoLTCO@bouldercounty.gov. *Please note that our volunteer positions for this program are currently filled; please consider helping older adults by volunteering for another Area Agency on Aging program.