Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Driving and Volunteering Opportunities
MAC bus driver high fives a student

Driving and Volunteering Opportunities

Drivers Recognition

Have you thought about the benefits of becoming a driver or volunteering to help improve mobility access in Boulder County?

Volunteers and drivers have a special role to play in the lives of many members in our community. Boulder County has a network of kind, compassionate volunteers and drivers who lovingly take people with limited mobility options to their medical appointments, grocery store, food bank etc. Volunteers and drivers offer so much more than just a ride! For example, a flexible schedule, opportunity to socialize, positive mental and physical outcomes, sense of fulfillment, and so much more!

Job Positions:

To help promote this profession and take steps towards recruiting more drivers in our Region, the Mobility and Access Coalition has created this page to promote transit workforce opportunities, volunteer driver positions, and regularly acknowledge drivers in our region!

Volunteer Driving Opportunities:

Paid Driving Opportunities:

Driver of the Quarter: Roberta Lynn Matzke from RTD

Mac 10th Anniversary Winner Driver of the Quarter

We want to recognize the vital role that drivers play as the backbone of the transit industry and as community connectors who provide people with freedom to garner better opportunities to thrive. Also, drivers provide communities opportunities to increase their mobility and access to jobs, education, health, recreation, and more! Bus drivers make a difference in our region and support everyone!

This quarter we are personally recognizing Roberta, from RTD!

“Roberta is a wonderful driver. She always says, “good morning!” and “have a good day!” to every single passenger on her bus. She drives safely and is happy to help people who are not sure about what pass they should get or what route they should take. I enjoy having her as my morning driver a lot, because I can tell she likes her job and has a lot of experience working with costumers”

Mobility Heroes Videos:

Meet our amazing mobility heroes who drive and volunteer in Boulder County!

2024 Boulder County Mobility Heroes
(Subtitles in Spanish)

2024 Boulder County Mobility Heroes
(Subtitles in English)

2022 Boulder County Mobility Heroes
(Subtitles in Spanish)

Resources for Stakeholders

According to the American Public Transit Association (APTA), the Transit Workforce Center (TWC), and the Transit Center, some of the recommendations to address the transit workforce shortage include increasing compensation, improving worker schedules, creating a positive work environment, demonstrating a clear path to promotions or raises, ensuring worker safety, providing ongoing training, and adopting more effective marketing and hiring practices.

More recommendations for hiring and retaining drivers:

TransitCenter’s Reports and Transit Tools

Mass Transit report on the Transit Operator Crisis

TWC’s Report on Bus Driver Recruitment and Retention in Challenging Times

TWC’s National Transit Frontline Worker Recruitment Campaign Toolkit Content

APTA’s research reports on Transit Workforce Shortage

APTA’s Transit Workforce Readiness Guide