Following the 2013 Flood, the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) initiated a program to re-map the predicted 1% annual chance flood zone (100-year floodplain) of the most affected waterways (shown in the image below). The program was called the “Colorado Hazard Mapping Program,” or CHAMP. Draft map data and related flood studies for the CHAMP– studied reaches were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) through Docket Z-17-0001 and Docket Z-17-0002. In September 2019, FEMA released Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for the same CHAMP reaches, refining the draft maps. The Preliminary FIRMs were adopted by the BOCC, replacing the draft map data via Docket Z-19-0001 to allow the county to base floodplain regulations on the best available data.
In 2020 and 2021, FEMA ran appeal periods, where anyone had the opportunity to appeal or comment on the Preliminary FIRMs. Following FEMA’s resolution of the appeals, revised Preliminary FIRMs were released in July 2023. Boulder County aligned the Boulder County Floodplain and Floodway with the revised Preliminary FIRMs through Docket Z-23-0001. On October 24, 2024, the revised Preliminary FIRMs became effective for flood insurance purposes.
Please contact the Floodplain Management Team (info below) with questions or to learn more about the floodplain mapping changes.