Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Marshall Fire Rebuilding in Unincorporated Boulder County
Construction worker building

Marshall Fire Rebuilding and Repairs in Unincorporated Boulder County

Trash, Weeds, Vehicles, etc. on Vacant Lots in the Unincorporated Marshall Fire Impacted Area

Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting (CP&P) has received some inquiries from the community about trash, weeds, vehicles, etc. on vacant lots in the unincorporated areas of the Marshall Fire impacted area. It is important for property owners to maintain these vacant lots in order to reduce hazards, mitigate wildfire risk, address health and safety issues, and out of respect for neighbors and the community.

Reduced Building Permit Fees for Rebuilding After the CalWood and Marshall Fires

Impacted residents in unincorporated Boulder County will receive reductions in permit fees for single-family home and accessory structure rebuilds

On December 6, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners modified the building permit fees for Cal-Wood and Marshall Fire rebuilds.

The approved program recognizes the increases in construction costs and insufficient insurance coverage that many residents who were impacted by the Cal-Wood and Marshall Fires are experiencing. It is intended to assist property owners with rebuilding without drastically impacting the county’s permitting services, given the efficiencies gained by economies of scale. The approved program attempts to ease the financial issues residents are facing, while at the same time recognizing the resource needs related to processing building permits.

The revised building permit fee program applies to Marshall Fire and Cal-Wood Fire-impacted residential properties in unincorporated Boulder County, not in the City of Louisville or the Town of Superior.

Permit Fee Reduction Information


On residential properties, the owner of the subject property on the event date is eligible. Complete Building Permit applications filed by the owner of record of a destroyed residential property due to either the Marshall Fire or Cal-Wood federal disasters (must have owned the property on December 30, 2021, or October 17, 2020, respectively). Property owners meeting the program criteria who have already paid their building permit fees will be refunded the difference.

Program Period – (3 Years)

The program period covers building permits that are applied for within three years (by December 31, 2024 for Marshall Fire-impacted properties, and October 31, 2023 for Cal-Wood Fire-impacted properties). The discount is available retroactively for eligible properties that have already remitted their fees.

Reduced Fee

  • Single-family rebuilds $4,400 building permit fee reduction for new single-family homes. The reduced revenues are offset by the higher construction valuation calculations in 2020 and efforts to keep our processing costs down through review efficiencies.
  • Accessory Structure rebuilds – 25% reduction of permit fees Please note that the Sales and Use Taxes must be calculated on the total valuation.


Boulder County collects permit fees to fund the Building Safety & Inspection program to help ensure our built environment is safe. In May, the County Commissioners approved utilizing the revenue collected from fire rebuilds to help fund additional resources necessary to process permits and inspections. As part of the program, Community Planning & Permitting staff committed to reviewing and adjusting the program based on the information and permit issuance.

As of Dec. 16, 2022, the county has issued 28 building permits for new homes and 11 building permits for accessory structures for rebuilds after the Marshall Fire as per the Marshall Fire Rebuilding Dashboard. The county has issued 5 building permits for home rebuilds from the Cal-Wood Fire.

It is essential to the county that efforts continue to help people who want to rebuild return to their community, and to help these communities thrive. This increased financial aid will help fire-impacted residents be able to return and be part of their neighborhood again rather than feel forced to move on given financial challenges.

For more information, email, or call 303-441-3926.


Rebuilding Coordinators, who will help unincorporated Boulder County property owners navigate the rebuilding process and answer questions, will be assigned to each Marshall Fire property owner or their agent. To get connected to your assigned Rebuilding Coordinator please email (View City of Louisville Rebuilding Resources or Town of Superior Rebuilding Information.)

Property owners who are rebuilding the same structure that was lost in the fire (i.e., original location and footprint, same floor area or smaller, same height or shorter) may move forward immediately and apply for a building permit, so long as they commit to rebuild with additional wildfire resiliency measures. Property owners who wish to make changes to the pre-existing structure may proceed under streamlined review (instead of Site Plan Review) if the modifications fall within the defined parameters.

Streamlined Permitting

On March 17, 2022 the Board of County Commissioners approved Docket DC-22-0001: Land Use Code text amendments related to the Marshall Fire – Article 19. This approval creates Section 19-500 in the Land Use Code which establishes a streamlined permitting procedure for rebuilding structures destroyed by the Marshall Fire. These new Article 19-500 regulations combine the planning review with the building permit review, which shortens the overall process. View Resolution 2022-029, approving Land Use Code Docket DC-22-0001, effective March 29, 2022.

Accessory Dwellings (ADU)

On August 4, 2022 the Board of County Commissioners approved Docket DC-22-0003: Marshall Fire Recovery Accessory Dwelling Text Amendment to provide an allowance for an Accessory Dwelling to be built as part of Marshall Fire recovery. View the Land Use Code text amendments approved by the BOCC.


Assuring the proper revegetation of disturbed areas is essential to slow soil erosion, repair scarring from cut and fill slopes, and to help deter noxious weeds. To ensure these goals are achieved, revegetation is a common requirement of rebuilding. View Marshall Fire Revegetation information.


Please view the regulations in place through the BuildSmart program. All new construction in Boulder County will need to adhere to the regulations within BuildSmart (this may include adding things like indoor sprinkler systems). Please contact to ask questions and learn more about BuildSmart and other building code requirements.

Additionally, EnergySmart (Boulder County’s residential energy advising service) is offering free and unbiased expert guidance on building a high-performance home to homeowners impacted by the Marshall Fire. EnergySmart advisors can provide advice on high-efficiency electric heating and cooling as well as other considerations when building a high-performance home. To speak with an EnergySmart advisor, call 303-544-1000 or email

Visit Energy Smart’s Rebuilding Better website.

Marshall Fire Rebuilding and Repair Resources

Rebuilding Single Family Dwellings

Boulder County Building Safety & Inspection Services does not have jurisdiction over cities within Boulder County, with the exception of Jamestown. If your project is within a city (other than Jamestown), you need to contact that city’s Building Inspection office instead of Boulder County.

Building Permit

A building permit, plan review, inspection approvals, and a Certificate of Occupancy (“C.O.”) are required for the proposed residence. Separate building permits, plan review, and inspection approvals are required for detached buildings.

Please refer to the county’s adopted 2015 editions of the International Codes and code amendments.

Automatic Fire Sprinkler System

Under the 2015 International Residential Code (“IRC”) as adopted by Boulder County, all new one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses are required to be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system that is designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 13D or IRC Section P2904.


Please refer to the county’s adoption and amendments to Chapter 11 of the IRC, the county’s BuildSmart program, for the applicable requirements for energy conservation and sustainability for residential additions and new residential buildings. Please be aware that there are energy-related requirements of this code that may require the use of renewable energy systems (such as rooftop solar systems) that will also need to be approved by your electric utility provider. In some cases, there may be limitations on the size of on-site systems allowed by your utility provider that could constrain the project design. We strongly encourage discussions between the design team and the utility company as early in the process as possible in order to identify these constraints. Provide a complete BuildSmart Checklist.

Design Wind and Snow Loads

Boulder County is a special wind region with several incremental zones as outlined in the Boulder County Building Code Amendments. To obtain the design wind and ground snow loads for the property, please email the plan review team at or call 720-564-2640.

Ignition-Resistant Construction and Defensible Space

Please refer to Section R327 of the Boulder County Building Code for wildfire hazard mitigation requirements, including ignition-resistant construction and defensible space.

Plan Review

The items listed above are a general summary of some of the county’s building code requirements. A much more detailed plan review will be performed at the time of building permit application, when full details are available for review, to assure that all applicable minimum building code requirements are to be met. Refer to Building Permits for Residential Construction, the Residential Plan Checklist, and additional Boulder County Building publications, forms, and applications.

At Application

When you are ready to make your application, the following information, as applicable, will be required:

  • A dimensioned site plan indicating what is to be constructed, distances, property lines, etc.
  • Any grading will need to documented showing calculations and where the material is to be placed on site.
  • If the design criteria, including the wind and snow loads, exceeds the tabular values and details of construction outlined in the International Residential Code, provide signed, dated, and sealed structural drawings and associated reports or calculations. Drawings should be scalable at ¼” per foot or larger.
  • Structural details, general load paths, and wall bracing will be required, as well as details of stair construction, wall openings, deck connections, and guard and handrail details.
  • A soils report will be required if Boulder County does not have one for the property.
  • Provide signed, dated, and sealed architectural drawings if prepared by an architect. Drawings should be scalable at ¼” per foot or larger.
  • Provide floor plan(s) of the structure indicating the intended use of the areas.
  • Provide elevation views of construction indicating overall height of construction to existing grade.
  • Provide plan details of wall construction, including flashing and siding details.
  • Provide elevation views representing ceiling heights, depth of crawlspaces, and attic clearances.
  • Please outline the BuildSmart pathway chosen for your project. Refer to the BuildSmart checklist.
  • Provide the applicable reports to demonstrate compliance to the BuildSmart pathway chosen.
  • Provide a detailed plan showing the thermal envelope. This should be depicted in plan view (floor plan view) and in elevation views.
  • Provide the appliance product detail information and the third-party certification or listing for the appliance.
  • Please provide the product information for any solid fuel or fuel gas appliances, such as boilers, furnaces, fireplaces, water heaters etc.
  • Provide the Jobsite Recycling Checklist (Boulder County Building Publication B50). Both sides must be filled out at the time of application. The final values for the checklist may be substantiated with receipts to document how deconstruction materials were reused or disposed prior to final sign off. This serves as a recycling plan.

Several helpful documents with regard to the construction of the structure and the documents required for permitting may be found on the Boulder County Building Publications, Forms, Applications page. Many general questions may be answered on the Boulder County Building FAQs page.

If you have additional questions regarding your building project please feel free to contact a plans examiner, or call us at 720-564-2640. We are available at the Plans Examiners desk weekdays from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.

Opting Out of the County's Debris Removal Program

Site Cleanup Permit Process for those Opting Out of the County’s Debris Removal Program

  1. Submit a Disposal Notification Form to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Once the form is submitted to the state, you can apply for the site cleanup permit through our Boulder County online portal.
  2. Create an account on our Boulder County online portal if you do not have a login yet.
  3. Once you are logged in, apply for a building permit and when asked what type of project, select deconstruction of structure.
  4. Important information when filling out the online application:
    1. Please indicate in the project description that the permit is for site cleanup due to the Marshall Fire. This will help us prioritize your permit request.
    2. The completed Right of Entry form to opt-out of the County’s debris removal program MUST be uploaded to the documents part of the online application for the application to be accepted. This form must be signed by the property owner. *Please note that this step is in addition to the submittal made to the Debris removal program.
    3. Please provide a basic aerial of the property that generally illustrates foundation location(s) and ash footprint in relation to property lines. (The ash footprint of a home is the concentrated burn area and directly informs the soil sample locations required to demonstrate that property has been adequately mitigated and is safe to rebuild.)
    4. If hiring a Contractor, your contractor must have at least a Class M contractor license, as per the Unincorporated Boulder County Contractor license website, with Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting before the permit can be issued.
  5. After submitting your application, you will receive an automated email within 1-2 business days indicating that the permit is ready for payment, including instructions on how to submit payment.
  6. After payment has been received, your permit and supporting documents will be emailed out to you within 1-2 business days. Once you receive the permit, please be sure to carefully read through all the conditions listed on the permit for important instructions on what needs to be done onsite before, during, and after the debris removal/site clean-up work is completed.
  7. All site clean-up permits will be required to be closed out prior to the issuance of any rebuilding permits on the property. In order to close out your site clean-up permit, you must pass the following inspections, as well as provide haul receipts and/or soils test results:
    1. Utility capping inspection to verify that utilities have been safely disconnected. Contact the Health Department at (303) 441-1564 for questions on proper abandonment of the septic system.
      1. Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #49, and indicate that the inspection is for utility capping. *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
    2. Pre-Clean-up Inspection (only for those choosing to remove 12” of soil) to verify existing grade prior to soil removal
      1. This inspection should be done at the same time as the Utility Capping Inspection, so please indicate that inspection code #49 is also for your pre-clean-up inspection.
    3. Final Inspection
      1. Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #69. *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
      2. Confirmation that the foundation is removed, the site is cleaned up of all ash/debris and that either fencing is around the open hole or graded to a natural grade and stabilized, seeded and erosion and sediment control is installed, depending on if property owners will or will not be rebuilding immediately (per the above options).
    4. Submit documentation to of one of the following:
        1. If 12” of soil was removed from the ash footprint, Haul Receipts from an approved landfill must be submitted, or
        2. If only 3” to 6” of soil was removed from the ash footprint, the soil test results demonstrating that minimum standards have been met must be submitted.
  8. Please note that, in addition to the Class M license that is required for the Site Cleanup permit as per the Contractor Licensing in Unincorporated Boulder County Requirements, all hauling companies operating within Boulder County that collect, transport, or dispose of discarded materials (trash, recyclables, compostables, construction and demolition materials, aggregate, or landscaping materials) must obtain a Hauler License as per the Hauling Requirements for Haulers webpage.

Before Work Begins

  • Upon issuance of the debris removal/site clean-up permit, you must post the site address on the site so that it is clearly visible.
  • Erosion and sediment control measures shall follow the site clean-up detail (provided at issuance of your permit), be installed prior to site-cleanup, and remain in place after site cleanup is complete.
  • The owner or operator must obtain a Colorado Storm Water General Permit for Construction Activities and a Boulder County Stormwater Quality Permit for all construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land, as well as activity that disturbs less than one acre but is part of a larger common plan of development. Exceptions may exist. Please contact for more information.
  • You must obtain permission from adjoining property owners in order to trespass onto another person’s property. Trespassing without permission may result in a stop work order or other enforcement actions by the County. You may not access the property from any adjoining County owned property, other than public street rights of way.
  • Contractors should consult with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at (303) 844-5285 (Denver) to determine training and personal protective equipment that will be required for those handling this material.
  • A Hauler License with Boulder County Resource Conservation Division is required prior to any waste disposal, as per the Hauling Requirements for Haulers website.
  • Debris removal/site clean-up work is limited to the hours of 7am to 8pm on weekdays and 8am to 8pm on weekends and holidays.
  • Call 811 to have utility locates placed on the property for gas, electrical, water, and sewer services so that our Building Inspectors can properly identify the services during the utility capping inspection.

Debris Removal

  • Contractor is required to remove all ash and debris, metals, concrete, and dead or damaged hazardous trees (e.g., trees that endanger onsite workers, neighbor’s homes or public rights of way) that will not survive for at least 5 years (based on the evaluation of a certified Arborist) and dispose of all materials properly.
  • To prevent the risk of ash and debris contaminating deeper clean soils, the area that requires excavating shall be cleared with a straight blade.
  • You must adhere to all local and State guidelines for debris removal, including but not limited to the following:
    • Contractor must always take adequate dust control measures, including applying water to ash and materials during disturbance and loading.
    • Do not overwater. Contractor must prevent runoff of dust control water beyond the property boundary and entry into the storm drain system or a watercourse.
    • Contractor must completely remove and dispose of the foundation or submit a letter from a licensed Structural Engineer certifying that the foundation is acceptable for reconstruction.
    • Ash/debris must be wetted to minimize dust and packaged inside a container (such as an end-dump roll-off or truck) lined with double 6-mil plastic sheeting with PET sheeting completely closed over the material and sealed once the container is loaded.
    • Ash and debris must then be disposed of at an approved landfill, outlined by the CDPHE Website on Asbestos. Please see attachment to permit card for a list of the approved landfills.
    • You must contact the landfill before you want to dispose your items, and you must have your Hauler’s License as per the Hauling Requirements for Haulers Website in order to do so.
    • Materials that are to be sorted for recycling must meet any State or County guidelines and be generally free of ash and debris.

Soil Removal and Testing

Due to the risk of soil contamination from fire debris and ash, all demolition contractors must remove debris and ash so that the property is visually clean and must remove soil over impacted areas using one of the following two options:

  1. Remove 12” of soil over the ash footprint. No soil testing is required, but Haul Receipts from an approved landfill for the soil removed must be submitted for verification.
  2. Remove 3” to 6” of soil over the ash footprint. After removal of the soil, a qualified environmental consultant must conduct a RCRA 8 Soils Test by EPA Method 6020/6010D/7471B.

Residential burn debris screening levels for metals

Metal Screening Level (mg/kg)1
Arsenic2 11
Barium 15,000
Cadmium 7.1
Chromium (Total)3 120,000
Lead 400
Mercury4 11
Selenium 390
Silver 390

1Unless otherwise noted, the screening level represents the EPA regional screening level for residential exposure to soil. Last updated by EPA November 2021.
2The arsenic screening level represents the state background level of arsenic in Colorado soil per the CDPHE Risk Management Guidance for Evaluating Arsenic Concentrations in Soil. The EPA regional screening level for inorganic arsenic is 0.68 mg/kg.
3Value for chromium III
4Value for elemental mercury
5Value for soluble salts of nickel

If testing shows soil contamination beyond set standards, additional soil removal shall be required and retesting until minimum cleanup standards are met. The number of soil samples required shall be determined by the following table:

Estimated Sq. Feet of Ash Footprint Number of Samples
0-1,000 sq. ft. 2
1,001-1,500 sq. ft. 3
1,501-2,000 sq. ft. 4
2,0001-5,000 sq. ft. 5
>5,000 sq. ft. TBD based on a consultation with environmental consultant

Permit Closeout Options

  • Rebuilding immediately: If a property owner intends to build on the property within 180 days, a temporary construction fence may be installed around the perimeter of the property during this interim period, and all erosion and sediment control measures must be in place. Permit holder must schedule an inspection through the IVR system to approve the interim condition. A final inspection will be required as a condition of issuing the building permit for reconstruction. If the property owners decide to not rebuild immediately, the site must be restored to the standards in the following sections and final inspection requested.
  • Not rebuilding immediately: To close out the debris removal/site clean-up permit if a permit for the reconstruction will not be issued within 180 days, excavated areas must be backfilled and the site graded to a natural grade, areas of disturbed soil must be seeded and stabilized, and all erosion and sediment control must be in place until the vegetation is at least 70% established.

Permit Inspections and Documentation

All site clean-up permits will be required to be closed out prior to the issuance of any rebuilding permits on the property. In order to close out your site clean-up permit, you must pass the following inspections, as well as provide haul receipts and/or soil test results:

  • Utility Capping Inspection to verify that utilities have been safely disconnected (please be sure to contact 811 for locates to be placed prior to calling for this inspection). Contact the Health Department at (303) 441-1190 for questions on proper abandonment of the septic system.
    • Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #49, and indicate that the inspection is for utility capping.
      *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
  • Pre-Clean-up Inspection (only for those choosing to remove 12” of soil) to verify existing grade prior to soil removal
    • This inspection should be done at the same time as the Utility Capping Inspection, so please indicate that inspection code #49 is also for your pre-cleanup inspection.
  • Final Inspection to confirm that the foundation is removed, the site is cleaned up of all ash/debris, and that either fencing is around the open hole or property is graded to a natural grade and stabilized, seeded, and erosion and sediment control is installed, depending on if property owners will or will not be rebuilding immediately (per the above options).
    • Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #69.
      *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
  • Submit Documentation to of one of the following:
    • If 12” of soil was removed from the ash footprint, Haul Receipts from an approved landfill must be submitted, or
    • If only 3” to 6” of soil was removed from the ash footprint, the soil test results demonstrating that minimum standards have been met must be submitted.

More Resources

For a complete list of submittal checklists, forms, and publications, view Building Publications or Planning Publications.

Boulder County aims to ensure all digital content and documents are accessible. While efforts have been made to maximize accessibility, some types of content have inherent technical limitations. For alternate formats or accommodations, please submit an ADA Web Accommodation Request Form or email, or call 303-441-1386. View the county’s accessibility statement.

Contact Us

Building Safety and Inspection Services



Public Office Hours:
8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday

Virtual Service Hours:
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday
Schedule an Appointment

Mailing Address

Building Safety and Inspection Services
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
Building Safety and Inspection Services


Courthouse Annex Building
2045 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80302