Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Docket BORC-22-0001: Ignition Resistant Requirements for Construction in Wildfire Zone 2

Docket BORC-22-0001: Ignition Resistant Requirements for Construction in Wildfire Zone 2


Boulder County is divided into two Wildfire Zones. Wildfire Zone 1 which is the mountains / forested portion of Boulder County, and Wildfire Zone 2 which is the plains / grasslands of Boulder County (view the Boulder County Wildfire Zones map). In response to the many wildfire events in the history of Boulder County, the Boulder County Building Code has adopted comprehensive ignition resistant construction requirements in Wildfire Zone 1. Wildfire Zone 2 has historically had relatively few fire events that have resulted in widespread structure losses.

The Marshall Fire, which destroyed structures on over 150 parcels in Unincorporated Boulder County, compels us to acknowledge that our current codes which address the hazards of the Wildland Urban Interface of the forested portion of Boulder County (Wildfire Zone 1) do not adequately address the hazards of a changing climate to properties in the grasslands (Wildfire Zone 2). This update revised the Boulder County Building Code to ensure a minimum level of ignition resistance for all structures in Wildfire Zone 2.

Past Public Meetings & Hearings

Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearing, May 12, 2022

Community Planning & Permitting Department Docket BORC-22-0001: Ignition Resistant Requirements for Construction in Wildfire Zone 2 (the Eastern Half of Boulder County)
At a public hearing on May 12, the Boulder County Commissioners voted 3-0 to approve an update to the ignition-resistant requirements for construction in Wildfire Zone 2, which comprises the Eastern area of unincorporated Boulder County (view Wildfire Zones map). The approved changes guide the use of approved exterior materials and construction details for inclusion into the Boulder County Building Code Amendments to the currently adopted 2015 International Codes. The updates to the code will take effect on June 6, 2022. Read more>>>
Staff Contact: Ron Flax

Board of Review Public Meeting, April 6, 2022

Docket BORC-22-0001: Ignition Resistant Requirements for Construction in Wildfire Zone 2 (the Eastern Half of Boulder County)
Ron Flax, Deputy Director of Community Planning & Permitting/Chief Building Official, presented a proposed update to the ignition resistant construction requirements for construction in Wildfire Zone 2 (the Eastern half of Boulder County). This update is focused on exterior materials and construction details to be considered by the Board of Review for inclusion into the Boulder County Building Code Amendments to the currently adopted 2015 International Codes, and ask for input and feedback from board members and the public. This update has been prompted by lessons learned from the recent Marshall Fire. The Boulder County Building Code Amendments apply to unincorporated areas of Boulder County, not in incorporated cities or towns. The Board of Review is recommended approval of this adoption request to the Boulder County Board of County Commissioners.

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Building Safety and Inspection Services



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Building Safety and Inspection Services


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