Lagerman Agricultural Preserve is a place enjoyed by birders, boaters, picnickers, bikers, runners, and dog-walkers. Lagerman Reservoir has something for the entire family. There is a picnic site, wetlands, and a seasonal osprey nest.
Lagerman Agricultural Preserve
Lagerman Trail Trail
1.6 miles – Easy -
Open Sky Loop
4.9 miles – Easy
Rules & Regulations

Trailhead Amenities

Keep In Mind
- From April 1 – Aug. 31, the western end of the reservoir is closed for nesting birds.
- Swimming and wading are prohibited.
- Fishing is not recommended due to poor oxygen levels in the reservoir.
Open Gallery in New WindowThe boat ramp is currently closed.
What’s Allowed
- Boats, canoes, kayaks, stand up paddle boards (SUP), and inflatables where you sit out of the water are allowed.
- Sailboards and sailboats are prohibited.
Personal Flotation Devices (PFD)
- A USCG approved Type I, II, or III PFD is required for each person on board.
- PFDs should be readily accessible.
- Boats 16 feet in length or longer require one additional Type IV PDF which should be readily accessible.
- Children 12 years old or younger are required to wear a PFD.
- All PFDs should be appropriately sized and in good condition.
Motorized Boats
- Motorized boats require a current registration on board.
- Fire extinguisher is required on board for permanently installed fuel tanks.
- Motorized boats with electric or gasoline powered motors of 8 horsepower or less are allowed.
- Any motorized boat with a motor larger than 8 horsepower shall have that motor’s propeller lifted out of the water at all times.
- No-wake speed only.
Fishing at Lagerman Reservoir is not recommended at this time.
The reservoir is not stocked with fish due to poor oxygen levels. Staff are investigating ways to improve water quality and restore fishing to Lagerman Reservoir.
Please fish at another property. Fishing on Open Space.
Wetland habitats, nestled within the surrounding Great Plains, support aquatic plant and animal life and serve to lure in large numbers of migrating bird species. With grasses, wildflowers and trees surrounding the wetlands, these areas are biologically diverse both in and out of the water.
- Black-tailed prairie dog
- Coyote
- Desert cottontail
- Little brown bat
- Raccoon
- Red fox
- Western harvest mouse
- American avocet
- American crow
- American kestrel
- American widgeon
- American white pelican
- Bald eagle
- Barn swallow
- Black-billed magpie
- Black-crowned night heron
- Canada goose
- Common raven
- Double-crested cormorant
- Great blue heron
- Great egret
- Great horned owl
- Killdeer
- Mallard
- Mourning dove
- Osprey
- Pied-billed grebe
- Red-tailed hawk
- Red-winged blackbird
- Ring-billed gull
- Rock dove
- Snowy egret
- Song sparrow
- Swainson’s hawk
- Western grebe
- Western kingbird
- Western meadowlark
Amphibians & Reptiles
- Boreal chorus frog
- Tiger salamander
- Woodhouse’s toad
- Checkered white butterfly
- Colorado soldier beetle
- Dainty sulphur butterfly
- Hunt’s bumblebee
- Jagged ambush bug
- Mourning cloak butterfly
- Oblique-lined tiger beetle
- Painted lady butterfly
- Pallid-winged grasshopper
- Red admiral butterfly
- Two-striped grasshopper
- Variegated meadowhawk dragonfly
- Western pygmy-blue butterfly
- Serviceberry
- Wild plum
- Eastern cottonwood
Yellow Wildflowers
- Alkali buttercup (Ranunculus cymbalaria)
- Broom-like ragwort (Senecio spartioides)
- Buffalo-bur (Solanum rostratum)
- Coneflower (Ratibida sp)
- Curlycup gumweed (Grendelia squarrosa)
- Fetid marigold (Dyssodia papposa)
- Ground cherry (Physalis sp)
- Nuttall’s sunflower (Helianthus nuttallii)
- Wild sunflower (Helianthus sp)
White/light pink wildflowers
- Narrow leaf four o’clock (Mirabilis linearis)
- Showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa)
- Snow-on-the-mountain (Euphorbia marginata)
- Spreading fleabane (Erigeron divergens)
Swedish Heritage
Reverend Frederick Lagerman was pastor of the 1878 “Swedish Evangelical Congregation of Ryssby, Boulder County, Colorado” Lutheran Church. The church congregation purchased 160 acres of land near the current reservoir as a prastgard, or pastor’s garden. As was Swedish custom, church members farmed the land, giving the bounty to the pastor as his salary. The irrigation reservoir for the prastgard was listed on state records as Lagerman Reservoir.