Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

News Archive
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September 8, 2023

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Virtual Open House Extended for US 287 Vision Zero Safety and Mobility Study

Self-guided virtual public meeting open through Sept. 17

Key Points

Boulder County, Colo. - Community members are invited to contribute to the next phase of the US 287 Vision Zero Safety & Mobility Study by participating in a self-guided virtual public meeting open through Sept. 17. Attend and offer ideas and feedback at

The study area covers the US 287 highway corridor through Boulder County and the City & County of Broomfield to West Midway Boulevard.

During this second virtual meeting on US 287 safety and mobility, participants can learn about the project, review the draft safety recommendations, and share ideas and feedback to the project team.

Since the first open house in March 2023, the planning team has developed safety improvement recommendations and are studying the feasibility of a walk and bike path. The team is also taking immediate action to improve safety prior to study completion by seeking funding for installation of a median barrier.

The US 287 study will continue through December 2023. For more information or to sign-up for project updates, visit, or contact Kathleen Bracke at 720-564-2285 or

Para solicitar información sobre el Estudio de seguridad y movilidad Vision Zero de US 287 (US 287 Vision Zero Safety & Mobility Study) en español, envíe un correo electrónico a o dejar un mensaje de voz al 303-900-8437.

US 287 virtual open house graphicUS 287 Vision Zero Safety + Mobility Study Virtual Open House