August 1, 2020
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Two hikers rescued in Boulder County
Boulder County, Colo. - On Friday, July 31, 2020, Boulder County rescue teams were called to assist injured hikers in two separate incidents today.
At approximately 11:27, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding a 32-year-old female hiker from Glenrock, NJ who had injured her upper leg while hiking on the Mount Audubon Trail at approximately 12,800 feet. The hiker and her friend were descending approximately 400 feet from the summit when the accident occurred. The Rocky Mountain Rescue Group (RMRG) worked with Flight for Life to fly rescuers from Boulder to near the scene while additional rescuers from the Indian Peaks Fire Protection District, along with RMRG, hiked into the scene.
The hiker was able to be assisted to a nearby landing zone, where she was flown to a Boulder area hospital for further evaluation. The rescue took approximately four hours.
In a separate incident, at approximately 16:43, The Boulder Couty Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding a 63 year old male hiker from Valley Park, MO who had dislocated his ankle while hiking on the Hessie Trail. The hiker was by himself when he stepped off a large step in the trail, injuring his ankle. Members of the Nederland Fire Protection District along with the RMRG provided medical care in the field and then transported the hiker in a litter to an ambulance at the Hessie Trailhead. American Medical Response (AMR) then transported the patient to a Boulder area hospital. This rescue took approximately three and one half hours.
Agencies assisting with this rescue effort included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, American Medical Response, American Leisure, Flight for Life, Indian Peaks Fire Protection District, Nederland Fire Protection District, and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case numbers are: #20-3365 and #20-3370 respectively.
/s/ Emergency Services Coordinator - Kelly Lucy