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News Archive
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June 8, 2021

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Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Tubing Ban Enacted for the North Saint Vrain and Saint Vrain Creek

Boulder County, Colo. -Sheriff Joe Pelle, in consultation with Victoria Simonsen, the Lyons Town Administrator, Sergeant Bill Crist (the Sheriff’s Office Administrative Lyons Police Chief) and Lyons Fire Chief Peter Zick, has concluded that, in the interest of public safety, The North Saint Vrain and Saint Vrain Creek will be closed to tubing and single chamber flotation devices for the immediate future.

The closure will take effect on June 9, 2021 at 4:00 p.m., and will go through June 25, 2021 at 12 p.m. The closure encompasses The North Saint Vrain and Saint Vrain Creeks from Apple Valley Road/ County Road 71 (upper Apple Valley Road) to North Foothills Highway including through the Town of Lyons. Sheriff's deputies will be posting notices tomorrow morning, advising recreationists of the closure.

The Sheriff and/or Police Chief is authorized to order a Partial Use Restriction prohibiting the use of single-chambered air-inflated devices on any waters of the state when such operations constitutes or may constitute a hazard to life or safety. The closure includes watercraft such as single chamber rafts, single chamber belly boats, and inner tubes from floating the creek. There is a specific exemption for kayaks and white-water canoes, which are permitted; nonetheless kayakers are strongly encouraged to observe caution.

The Sheriff and Chief have determined that this Partial Use Restriction shall be ordered due to the significant rainfall and spring runoff experienced by the County in recent days and weeks causing the St. Vrain River flow to reach approximately 1200 CFS and the recent amount of related water rescues; pursuant to C.R.S. 33-13-110(2)(c) and 2019 Colorado Boating Regulations, #217(1)(b) & (3)(c), promulgated by Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

Any person who fails to obey an order issued under this section, may be guilty of a class two petty offense and subject to a fine of up to $50.00, C.R.S. 33-13-110(2)(d).


/s/ Special Operations Commander- Randy Wilber