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May 15, 2020

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Transfort reinstates partial and modified FLEX bus service

Limited FLEX trips resume on May 18 for Monday through Friday service

Transfort, the transit agency owned by the City of Fort Collins, will resume some FLEX service on May 18, with three round trips daily between Fort Collins and Boulder.

FLEX will resume three round trips to and from Boulder on weekdays. This is Transfort’s first step toward getting service back up to normal operating levels.

Starting May 18, Transfort will begin running the following FLEX trips Monday through Friday:

  • Northbound: Departing Boulder 8:09 a.m., 3:18 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. with stops in Longmont, Loveland and Fort Collins.
  • Southbound: Departing Fort Collins at 6 a.m, 1:15 p.m. and 3:25 p.m. with stops in Loveland, Longmont and Boulder.

These trips will stop at the regular FLEX express stops in each community. A northbound and southbound stop will be added near the Loveland North Transfer Center using COLT stops at Lincoln & 23rd south of the Food Bank.

View the FLEX timetable and select Exceptions > 5/18-TBD = Reduced Weekday Service for full schedule details, or download the Ride Transfort app.

COVID-19 Response

FLEX service was suspended April 18 along with suspensions or reductions on several other routes in Fort Collins. The other suspensions and reductions are still in effect. All Transfort services continue to be fare-free under an emergency order signed in March.
Beginning May 4, Transfort requires that passengers wear a face covering while riding, per a City order signed May 1.

The public is asked to only use Transfort for essential trips and passengers are asked to attempt to keep at least six feet of distance between other customers and Transfort staff. Passengers are also asked to board from the rear doors of the bus unless they are using a mobility device.

Transfort has been disinfecting driver and passenger areas of its buses in addition to regular nightly cleaning. The South Transit Center, Downtown Transit Center, and CSU Transit Center buildings are currently closed, but passengers may board and exit buses at the transit centers.

About FLEX

FLEX is a regional bus route serving stops between Fort Collins, Loveland, Berthoud, Longmont, and Boulder. This service is operated by Transfort and is made possible through regional partnerships.

FLEX offers a variety of options to maximize the convenience and accessibility to communities in Northern Colorado. FLEX provides service connecting Fort Collins, Loveland, Berthoud, Longmont, and Boulder. Transfers to the RTD bus system are available in Longmont and Boulder.

For more information about FLEX service, including route information, visit

FLEX bus by Transfort