September 14, 2020
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Stolen vehicle eludes multiple agencies
Boulder County, Colo. - On September 14, 2020, deputies with the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office were monitoring traffic for speeding violations in the area of Highway 287 and Lookout Rd. A dark colored Ford truck approached deputies as it traveled southbound on Highway 287 at a speed of 92 MPH. The posted speed limit in that area is 60 MPH. Two deputies pulled in behind the truck and attempted to stop it by using the overhead emergency lights equipped on their marked patrol vehicles. The truck was later determined to be a stolen vehicle by the Longmont Safety Department.
The truck failed to pull over for deputies and continued to drive southbound. A short time later, the truck drove in the northbound lanes of traffic and continued to elude deputies. The truck eluded deputies and officers of the Louisville and Lafayette Police Departments as it turned off its lights and drove at excessive speeds and in the wrong lane of travel. The truck drove through a fenced construction area. The truck also attempted to strike one marked patrol vehicle and came very close to hitting a second patrol vehicle.
The pursuit left the city of Louisville, entered Broomfield and then continued into Westminster. At our request, the Westminster Police Department assisted our deputies in the pursuit. Officers deployed stop sticks on Legacy Ridge at 104th Ave., striking the truck’s tires. The driver failed to negotiate a turn onto 104th Ave., and hit a concrete barrier head-on. This caused the truck to flip end over end and land on its roof in a culvert. Officers and deputies immediately assisted everyone out of the truck and called for medical responders to evaluate them. The driver and two passengers were conscious and breathing and were transported to a local hospital for evaluation.
The driver of the stolen truck was identified as Johnny Reyes Perez, age 35. Perez was admitted to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Once released, he will be arrested on the following charges: Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft, Vehicular Eluding, Speeding, Attempted Assault of a Police Officer, Reckless Endangerment, Criminal Mischief, Reckless Driving, and Leaving the Scene of an Accident.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff’s Office case number is: 20-4072. The associated Westminster Police Department case number is: 2020-09246.
/s/ Sgt. Sharon McKim
/s/ Carrie Haverfield, Public Information Specialist