October 16, 2023
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Sheriff’s Office Launches Operation Safe Commute to Enhance Road Safety in Boulder County
The Operation Will Take Place on October 18
Boulder County, Colo. - The Boulder County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce the launch of “Operation Safe Commute," a dedicated operation aimed at promoting road safety and attentive driving within the community. This operation will take place on October 18, 2023, running from 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. throughout Boulder County.
The primary objective of "Operation Safe Commute" is to educate and enforce traffic laws, fostering a safer environment for all residents and visitors traveling on our roadways. With the increasing concerns surrounding road safety, this initiative seeks to raise awareness and reduce the number of traffic violations and crashes
During the operation, our dedicated law enforcement deputies will be out in force, patrolling the county's streets and highways, and conducting various traffic safety measures. The sheriff's office is committed to ensuring that all drivers understand and adhere to the rules of the road, which are essential in preventing crashes and preserving lives.
By promoting attentive driving and enforcing traffic laws, we aim to reduce crashes and create a safer environment for all road users.
The sheriff's office urges all residents to play their part in promoting road safety by driving responsibly, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions behind the wheel. Together, we can make a significant impact on the safety of our roadways.
The sheriff's office encourages residents to report any unsafe or dangerous behavior on the roads by calling 911 or the non-emergency number at 303-441-4444, as appropriate. Your assistance is invaluable in ensuring safety on Colorado roadways.
For more information about Operation Safe Commute, please feel free to reach out to Commander Vinnie Montez at: vmontez@bouldercounty.gov.
/s/ Commander Vinnie Montez