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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

May 7, 2020

Resource Conservation Division launches P3 Pesticides Campaign

This campaign aims to inspire awareness of alternate pest management methods and to reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides in homes.

Boulder County, Colo. - The Boulder County Resource Conservation Division’s Hazardous Materials Management Facility received more than 54,000 pounds of pesticides and herbicides in 2019, costing the county more than $95,000 in disposal costs. In addition to the economic cost, these chemicals can also have negative impacts to the environment and our safety when used improperly.

This P3 Pesticides Campaign aims to inspire awareness of alternate pest management methods, reduce the use of pesticides and herbicides in homes, and promote safe pest and weed management.

Residents can reduce use with alternative pest management methods. This can be achieved by starting gardens off with a healthy foundation and using pesticides and herbicides as a last resort.

The Resource Conservation Division will be sharing tips on:

  • Purchasing only what you need and prevent over-buying.
  • Maintaining a chemical-free lawn and garden.
  • Ways to prevent pests in your home.
  • Safe storage reminders for pesticides for a healthy home environment.

Visit for more information and handouts and follow Boulder County Resource Conservation Division on Facebook for tips to reduce use of pesticides.
