Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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News Archive
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October 21, 2022

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Public invited to provide comments on DRCOG Transportation Improvement Program CO 7 transit service grant application

Comments requested by Oct. 26 on a grant application requesting $6.5M for transit service in Boulder County

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County has applied for a Denver Regional Council Of Governments (DRCOG) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) grant to fund transit service on CO 7.

The grant would fund two years of transit “starter” service between the City of Boulder and the City of Brighton on CO 7, providing access to the City of Lafayette, Town of Erie, City and County of Broomfield, and the City of Thornton with ten stops along the route.

The service would begin in 2026, and operate on weekdays only for one year, and 7 days per week in 2027 at 30 minute headways all day. The service would serve as a precursor to future Bus Rapid Transit service on the CO 7 corridor, and will take advantage of transit lanes, transit stations, and other improvements currently in design or under construction along the corridor. Transit service is an integral component of the full vision for CO 7, which also includes operational and safety improvements, and upgraded walking and bicycling facilities.

Grant applications are currently being evaluated, and DRCOG staff seeks input to ensure the public's priorities are heard. Boulder County has requested $6.5 million for this project. For more information, or to view an interactive map and the TIP grants, see the announcement from DRCOG.

Call to Action

To express your support for this project, please contact Kellsie Forfar-Jones, public engagement planner, at, 303-480-5658, or to DRCOG Chair, 1001 17th St., Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202. Comments must be received by 5 p.m. on Oct. 26. Public comments in support of a project increase our chances of having this project funded.

To view all applications submitted to the 2024-27 TIP Regional Share Call for Projects Call #3, please visit the DRCOG website.

In addition to the CO 7 transit service application, the Boulder County Forum has also submitted two other applications in this call for projects:

  • CO 119 & Niwot Rd Bus Rapid Transit, Safety, Mobility & Bikeway Improvements (requesting $16.1M)
  • CO 119 Business Access & Transit Lanes & Multimodal Improvements within the City of Boulder and City of Longmont (requesting $6.6M)