Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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October 17, 2022

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Public invited to provide comments on Denver Regional Council of Governments Transportation Improvement Program grant application

Comments requested by Oct. 26 on a grant application requesting $16M for transportation projects in Boulder County

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County has applied for a DRCOG (Denver Regional Council Of Governments) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) grant to fund CO 119 and Niwot Rd. transportation improvements.

The grant would help fund intersection safety queue bypass lanes, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stop platforms, Park-n-Ride improvements, an underpass at Niwot Rd., and the commuter bikeway segment from Niwot Road to Airport Road.

Grant applications are currently being evaluated, and DRCOG staff seeks input to ensure the public's priorities are heard. Boulder County has requested $16 million in this round. For more information, or to view an interactive map and the TIP grants, see the announcement from DRCOG.

You can express your support for the grant by contacting Kellsie Forfar-Jones, public engagement planner, at, 303-480-5658, or to DRCOG Chair, 1001 17th St., Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202. Comments must be received by 5 p.m. on Oct. 26.

Many of the other sections of the CO 119 Bikeway and Safety and Mobility Projects have been funded. This vitally important piece of the projects needs funding to complete a major piece of the Bikeway and Safety and Mobility Projects.

The CO 119 BRT, Safety and Mobility and Improvements project will be critical to optimizing regional connectivity and mobility between Boulder and Longmont and the Bikeway is an integral element of the multimodal vision plan connecting Boulder and Longmont communities.

CO 119 is a vital regional transportation corridor serving the economic health of Boulder County. The Safety and Mobility improvements will make reliable and faster transit possible between the two communities that make up 2/3 of the total population of the County.

The bikeway will provide the only safe, direct, comfortable bicycle connection between the two cities. Confirming the regional significance of this connection, the DRCOG Active Transportation Plan (adopted January 2019) identified the CO 119 corridor as a Future Regional Active Transportation Corridor and CDOT designated CO 119 as a Tier 1 High Demand Bike Corridor.

Conceptual rendering of CO 119 (The Diagonal) Bikeway