Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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October 13, 2022

Public invited to comment on 2023 Recommended Budget

Members of the public are invited to review recommended budget proposals and comment at a public hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 25

Boulder County, Colo. -- On Tuesday (October 11), the county’s Office of Financial Management presented a recommended budget of $527 million* – a preliminary budget document which includes a description of proposed spending packages by fund, elected office, and department, as well as projected revenues for calendar year 2023 – to the Boulder County Commissioners and the residents of Boulder County for their consideration, review, and guidance.

Earlier this year, the Commissioners set budgeting goals to guide the Office of Financial Management in drafting the recommended budget for 2023. Staff highlighted the following goals in their presentation of the recommended budget:

  • Rebuild the General Fund unrestricted fund balance to the fund balance policy level
  • Budget 96% of the General Fund personnel costs at the department level and pool 4% to fund countywide expenses
  • Recognize employees as the most important asset and continue to provide a compensation package that is in line with the market
  • Provide the best in public service by funding services that effectively meet the needs of the community
  • Budget $1M annually to the Disaster Recovery Fund

Public feedback on the 2023 Recommended Budget

The Commissioners welcome public feedback, questions, and comments on the 2023 Recommended Budget.

  • A public hearing will take place virtually at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25 and the public are invited to attend the public hearing online and share feedback. Register to attend and/or comment.
  • Written comments may be submitted using the comment form.

Budget Process

  • A recording of the Oct. 11 budget officer’s presentation of the recommended budget to the Boulder County Commissioners is available.
  • Additional budget requests, priorities, and adjustments to the recommended budget will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners at their annual budget work session at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 10.
  • The final 2023 Boulder County Budget will be adopted at a public meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 6.
  • The public are welcome to attend the Nov. 10 and Dec 6. meetings in-person or virtually, but there is no opportunity for public comment at these meetings. Sign up for the Commissioners' Advance Agenda to receive an email when registration links are available for these meetings.

Additional details about the 2023 Budget adoption process and information about current and prior years’ budgets is available at

*The 2023 Recommended Budget is a baseline budget prepared by the Office of Financial Management to serve as a starting point for the Board of County Commissioners to consider as part of their statutory responsibility to set a balanced budget by Dec. 15.

Headshots of three current commissioners in horizontal alignment with their names to the right of each photo