January 9, 2025
Priorities for New State Legislation and State Funding in 2025
Boulder County Commissioners Continue to Partner with State Legislators to Support Community Members
- Colorado's laws affect Boulder County and what the county can do.
- Colorado's elected lawmakers have just begun their 2025 session, which runs until May.
- To receive this information in another language, please contact Gloria Handyside 303-441-1622 ghandyside@bouldercounty.gov.
Boulder County, Colo. -- The Boulder County Commissioners have identified critical areas for Boulder County’s support for state legislation and state funding.
In Colorado, state laws govern the powers that counties have. Many of the programs and services counties deliver are mandated, directed, and funded by the state. The state’s 2025 legislative session began this week and closes in May.
Boulder County’s Legislative Principles
Boulder County’s state legislative and budget priorities adhere to the following principles which guide the development of the positions the county takes on state legislation:
- Racial Equity: Boulder County is committed to creating and adopting fully inclusive, anti-racist, and culturally responsive policies.
- Climate Action and Environmental Justice: Boulder County is dedicated to protecting and enhancing our environment for generations to come.
- Financial and Organizational Stewardship: Boulder County is focused on the effective use of taxpayer funds through efficient service delivery and integration of public programs and services to achieve equitable outcomes.
Boulder County’s Legislative Priorities
Boulder County has adopted numerous legislative priorities for the 2025 state legislative session, addressing such critical issue areas as climate action and environmental stewardship, community health, equity, human services, and organizational stewardship. Highlights include:
- Environmental Justice: Support legislation that advances environmental justice in protecting our most vulnerable communities from disproportionate environmental burdens.
- Emissions Reductions: Support on-bill repayment legislation or other similar repayment mechanisms to make energy efficiency, electrification, and renewable energy upgrades more accessible to homeowners and businesses.
- Gun Violence Prevention: Support legislation to prevent gun violence, including legislation to ban assault weapons.
- Colorado Voting Rights Act: Support legislation that prohibits racial discrimination in voting and protects voting access for all eligible voters, including protected classes, voters with disabilities, LGBT voters, voters on tribal lands, and voters impacted by the criminal justice system.
- Address Barriers to the Provision of Transitional Housing Services: Support efforts to remove barriers to providing longer-term transitional housing to Coloradans.
- County Revenue Diversification: Support legislation to provide counties with the authority to propose customized revenue-raising solutions to their voters.
- Transit: Support tools that expand transit service, increase mode choice, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and increase the use of transit while prioritizing equity, including the expansion of services in underserved areas.
State Budget
Boulder County recognizes the importance of a state government that is fiscally responsible and appreciates the opportunity to collaborate with the administration and General Assembly on development of the state budget, especially regarding policies and programs that affect Boulder County residents. With a projected deficit of over $1 billion dollar for the upcoming state fiscal year, the commissioners have urged the state to prioritize the Colorado Child Care Assistance (CCCAP) Program, Medicaid and other safety benefits, childcare welfare, and the IMPACT TO SUPPORT partnership, which provides a proven alternative to juvenile justice detention.
Check out Boulder County’s State Legislative & Budget Principles & Priorities 2025 for more information on specific topics.