December 18, 2020
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Package theft is on the rise
Boulder County, Colo. - We have recently seen an increase in criminal activity associated with package theft around Boulder County, but especially recently in and around the Town of Lyons. It appears we have criminals who come into the area, often driving a stolen vehicle that is used to drive around and steal packages from porches. The stolen vehicles are then often “dumped” nearby after they have been used by the so-called porch pirates.
We wanted to make sure that residents are aware of this happening, so they can be on the lookout for suspicious activity and take steps to help deter the criminals. We have increased our patrols in areas with increased criminal activity, but we are also asking for your help as well.
What can you do to help us out?
- Report suspicious activity to law enforcement.
- Keep your vehicle locked.
- Avoid having packages sitting outside for an extended time.
- Consider having your packages delivered elsewhere, such as your place of employment, an Amazon delivery site, P.O. box, FedEx/UPS location, or install a package lock box.
- Request that deliveries require a signature ahead of time, or sometimes you can do this even if the package is already on its way.
- Subscribe to delivery alerts or notifications from the package carrier.
If you are a victim of a theft, report it to law enforcement. If you have surveillance cameras, share that footage with law enforcement as well. The associated Boulder County Sheriff’s Office case number for the Town of Lyons criminal activity is: #20-5368.
/s/ Carrie Haverfield, Public Information Specialist