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February 15, 2024

Jeff Martin Appointed New Boulder County Coroner

The Boulder County Commissioners Have Agreed to Appoint Jeff Martin As Coroner

  • The commissioners have chosen Jeff Martin to fill the role of Coroner until January 2025
  • He was chosen after an application process and interviews
  • People can watch in-person and online as Jeff delivers a speech at a meeting on Feb. 20
  • Boulder County voters will elect a Coroner in November’s General Election
  • To receive this information in another language, call or email Gloria Handyside 303-441-1622

Boulder County, Colo. -- Following today’s public interviews, the Boulder County Commissioners unanimously agreed to appoint Jeff Martin as Boulder County Coroner to fill the position left vacant in January. Jeff will deliver his appointment speech during the Commissioners’ Weekly Business Meeting held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at the Historic Downtown Courthouse (3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl St., Boulder). The meeting will be streamed live on the county’s website.

The position of Coroner is an elected office, but, under state statute, the resignation of the previous Coroner requires the commissioners to fill the position until voters have a chance to elect a Coroner in November’s General Election. In accordance with state statute, the appointment will run until January 14, 2025.

New Coroner

Jeff Martin joined the Boulder County Coroner’s team in 2021 with a background that includes ten years as a peace officer and 22 years in the medical examiner/coroner profession, including 19 years in executive leadership and extensive disaster response experience. He currently serves as Chief Deputy in the Boulder County Coroner’s Office and has led the office since the position of Coroner was vacated. He received overwhelming support for his leadership from his colleagues in the Coroner’s Office as well as representatives from law enforcement and the local death care industry.

Visit the Coroner’s Office website to find out more about the role of the Coroner and the services delivered by the Coroner’s Office.

Appointment Process

Through the appointment process, the commissioners asked candidates to exhibit a high level of personnel and financial management experience, an ability to work collaboratively within a multifaceted organization, and a demonstrated commitment to providing the best in public service. Although not required by statute, the commissioners also sought candidates with education and experience as a medical examiner.

A public presentation outlining the role of the coroner and the recruitment process was hosted by the commissioners on Jan. 11 on the same day applications opened. Interviews were held in-person with qualified candidates on Feb. 6 and Feb. 15 and were open to members of the public to view in-person and online. In addition to the commissioners, the interview panels included the Boulder County Sheriff, the Boulder District Attorney, the Boulder County Assessor, a representative from the death care industry, and Coroner’s Office staff members.


Voters in Boulder County will have the opportunity to vote for a Coroner candidate in the June 25 Primary Election and elect a Coroner in November’s General Election. To find out more about voting in Boulder County, visit the Elections website.

Collage of all three Boulder County Commissioners