October 20, 2021
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Drop off your unwanted prescription medication on October 23
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County residents can drop off unwanted prescription medication at the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) drug collection events on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.
Items accepted at this collection include:
- Pills
- Patches
- Small amounts of liquid medication
- Vaping devices and cartridges. The DEA, however, cannot accept devices containing lithium ion batteries. If batteries cannot be removed prior to drop-off, DEA encourages individuals to consult with stores that recycle lithium ion batteries.
Items not accepted at this collection include:
- Needles or other sharps
- Inhalers
- Mercury thermometers
- Iodine-containing medications
- Illicit drugs or substances (including marijuana which is still a schedule 1 drug under federal law)
The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting the following drop off locations:
- Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters, located at: 5600 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder
- Lyons Substation, located at: 432 Fifth Avenue, Lyons
- Superior Substation, located at: 405 Center Drive, Unit F, Superior
For more information about safely disposing unwanted medication in Boulder County, including what to do with liquid medication and syringes, visit: bouldercounty.gov/families/disease/safely-dispose-of-unwanted-medication-and-syringes/. Additional safe disposal locations are available throughout Boulder County and regularly accept unused and unwanted prescription drugs.