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August 14, 2021

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Multiple rescues in Boulder County

Rescuers respond to three rescues Saturday

Boulder County, Colo. - On Saturday, August 14, 2021, volunteer rescuers spent a good part of of the day rescuing four recreationalists in Boulder County.

The first call for assistance came in at approximately 11:53 a.m. to the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office in reference to a mountain biker who had lost his balance while riding just north of South Boulder Creek on the Walker Loop Trail; resulting in a fall and a subsequent injury to his ankle. A rescuer from the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group and a Boulder County Open Space ranger were able to drive a side-by-side trail vehicle to the 60-year-old injured rider from Louisville, CO and transport him out to an American Medical Responses ambulance where he was evaluated and transported to a Boulder area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The rescue took approximately one- and one-half hours.

At approximately 2:27 p.m., the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a call from hikers who were in the area of the First/Second Flatiron Trail near the top of the gulley and reported their friend had fallen approximately 10 feet fracturing his lower leg according to the nurse on scene.

Members of the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group arrived on scene first and were followed by rangers from City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks. Rescuers stabilized the patient medically and then packaged the 30-year-old male from Chicago, IL into a stretcher and carried him to an ambulance which was stationed at the Bluebell Shelter. American Medical Response (AMR) transported him to a Boulder area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The rescue took approximately three- and one-half hours.

At approximately 7:16 p.m., the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a call regarding two lost hikers at the Button Rock Reservoir located at 5092 Longmont Dam Rd. which is approximately seven miles west from the Town of Lyons. Initially, a 12-year-old-female got separated from the group while hiking. As rescuers were responding, it was learned that there was an additional missing 16-year-old male hiker that left the group to search for the female hiker on his own.

Members from the Lyons Fire Protection District and Boulder County Sheriff’s Office responded, and a Button Rock Ranger was already on scene. Additional resources were requested and members of the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, Front Range Rescue Dogs, Boulder Emergency Squad, and the Boulder Mounted Search and Rescue Group were requested but later cancelled after a Button Rock Ranger located both missing parties safe and uninjured. They were assisted back to the trailhead and reunited with their families. The rescue took approximately two hours.

Agencies assisting with these rescues included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, American Medical Response, Boulder County Parks and Open Space, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, Coal Creek Fire Protection District, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, Lyons Fire Protection District, Front Range Rescue Dogs, Boulder Emergency Squad, and the Boulder Mounted Search and Rescue Group.

The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case numbers are 21-3865, 21-3867, and 21-3869 respectively.


/s/ Emergency Services Supervisor - Kelly Lucy