June 30, 2020
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Missing person search conducted near Peaceful Valley Campground
29-year-old male later located at a nearby residence
Boulder County, Colo. - On Sunday evening, June 28, a camp host at the Peaceful Valley Campground notified a Boulder County Sheriff’s Office deputy of a vehicle at the campground that wasn’t associated with a registered camper. Witnesses reported the vehicle having been there for several days. After the deputy checked the vehicle’s registration, it was determined that the owner, a 29-year-old male who had been reported missing out of Boulder.
Search and rescue crews performed an initial search of the area that evening and then returned on June 29 to continue the search. Search and rescue crew searched on foot, horseback, with search dogs, with unmanned aerial system (UAS), and with cellular forensics. They searched throughout the day and did come across personal belongings to the missing man but did not find the man himself. The search was called off for the evening, with plans to continue the next morning.
At approximately 10:00 p.m. on Monday night, deputies responded to a private residence near Peaceful Valley on a trespassing report. The trespasser was determined to be the missing male from Boulder. He was transported by Estes Park Ambulance to a local hospital for medical treatment due to minor injuries, and concern for his welfare.
Agencies assisting with this search included members from Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Allenspark Fire Protection District, Boulder County Mounted Search and Rescue, Boulder Emergency Squad, Front Range Rescue Dogs, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, Colorado Search and Rescue Association, and Air Force Rescue Coordination Center. In total, 40 personnel searched the area for 10 hours.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff’s Case number is: 20-2825.
/s/ Carrie Haverfield, Public Information Specialist