Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

April 22, 2020

Metro Denver Public Health Officials Working Together on Regional Strategies for Protecting Community While Transitioning to Safe-At-Home Phase

Everyone Should Continue to Stay at Home to Greatest Extent Possible

Boulder County, COEarlier this week, Governor Jared Polis announced a path forward for continuing to help protect our community from COVID-19 while slowly reopening our economy. The statewide Stay-at-Home order is set to expire on April 26. Local public health agencies are awaiting further official guidance with details of the Governor’s plan.

As part of the state’s announcement, local public health officials have been directed to implement data-informed strategies at the local level that best meet the needs of the individual local communities. Public health officials in the Denver Metro Area are working together to determine what a gradual easing of stay-at-home orders looks like in our region. Our goal is to be as consistent as possible from county to county to help protect the health and economy of our communities. We will provide further information in the coming days.

“I want to reiterate that our guidance is for everyone to continue staying at home to the greatest extent possible, even after the statewide Stay-at-Home order is eased," said Jeff Zayach, Boulder County Public Health executive director. “There is evidence that social distancing is working, but that effort must continue in order to minimize the spread of disease, illness, and death. This is a critical time and what we each do individually will impact our community as a whole.”

For more information about COVID-19 illness and recovery among Boulder County residents, visit