Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

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April 28, 2023

Marshall Fire Recovery Newsletter – April 28, 2023

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Boulder County Marshall Fire Recovery Newsletter

View the Marshall Fire Recovery Dashboard for the latest data

View the latest data on the Debris Insurance Reconciliation process

Boulder County Recovery Manager Garry Sanfacon retires May 1

Garry Sanfacon

From Garry: As some of you may know, I am retiring on May 1. It is with mixed emotions that I depart before the Marshall Fire recovery is complete. However, I can confidently say the recovery is in good hands. I’ve been with Boulder County for 15 years, mainly focused on disaster recovery (we’ve experienced four wildfires and one flood). This has been the most challenging and rewarding work I’ve had during my career. I have learned a great deal and witnessed how our community has come together in the form of so many different incredible acts to help individuals recover. I want to express my deep appreciation for my county colleagues who have stepped up time and again to support recovery work and find solutions to help individuals and the community recover. It truly is a team effort and I couldn’t ask for better people to take on these challenges with. I also want to thank the local, state and federal partners who I’ve had the pleasure to work with over the years. I know I’ve been demanding at times, and I want you to know that I appreciate your commitment to public service and the collaborative atmosphere we cultivated. I wish everyone a successful recovery.

We thank Garry for all of his hard work and dedication to Boulder County and wish him a very happy, and well deserved, retirement!

Rotary Clubs contribute $153,000 to Marshall Fire recovery efforts

check being presented

Rotary District 5450 presented a check for $153,373 to a consortium of Marshall Fire community organizations currently helping with the recovery and the community-wide rebuilding efforts. In addition to contributions from local Rotary Clubs and members, Rotary District 5450 also received donations and letters from all over the country: Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Texas, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Some of those who donated and sent notes have no connection to Rotary, they just wanted to help.

Recipients of the funds include:

Impact on Education (Foundation for Boulder Valley Schools) – for mental health support to studentsaffected by the fire
Jewish Family Services of Colorado – for direct assistance to families affected by the fire
Marshall ROC (Marshall Fire Long Term Recovery Group)– for community outreach, emergency food pantry, and mental health programs targeted to children, families, and others affected by the fire
Marshall Together – for babysitting and mental health support
YMCA of Northern Colorado – for childcare while parents who lost their homes completed disaster paperwork
YMCA of Northern Colorado – for summer camp for children of families affected by the fire

Property valuation notices to be sent May 1

Boulder County Assessor's Office

On May 1, the Boulder County Assessor's office is required to send a Notice of Valuation to all property owners in Boulder County. The Notice of Value will show the 2023 reappraisal value. Please note that there has been significant changes in valuation of properties impacted by the fire since your 2021 home value was removed and your land value was reduced 50%. Expect to receive the notices next week. More information about the valuation process can be found on the county’s website.

Deadline is 5 p.m. today for SBA grant applications

Marshall Fire Small Business Grant

The Marshall Fire Small Business Grants Program will provide a total of $1 million in grants through this one-time competitive grant program. The maximum grant amount per business is $20,000, which is anticipated to be distributed in May.

The grants are intended to help eligible small businesses that have incurred economic loss or increased business expenses due to the Marshall Fire by providing support toward the retention and/or creation of low- and middle-income full-time jobs in the impacted area.

Learn more about eligibility. Applications are open until 5 p.m. today - Friday, April 28.

Don't forget to apply for your Use Tax rebate

house being built

Everyone who lost a home in either the Marshall or Cal-Wood Fires and is rebuilding on their affected property qualifies for the county’s Use Tax Rebate. The rebate is 100% of county use tax paid at the time the permit was issued with a maximum cap of $3,500 for permit’s issued in 2022 and a maximum cap of $4,200 for permit’s issued in 2023-24. This increase in 2023-24 is taking into account the increase in use tax resulting from November’s voter-approved ballot measures.

Learn more and apply.

Mental Health supports are on-going

red flowers in a field
Mental Health Support Sessions

Mental Health Partners, in partnership with Colorado Spirit, offers free, drop-in group support sessions for those impacted by the Marshall Fire. No need to register.

Mondays, 1:30-2:30 p.m. for seniorsThursdays, noon to 1 p.m. for parents (including childcare)Fridays, 1-2 p.m. for all community membersMarshall ROC Recovery Center, 357 McCaslin Blvd., Suite 115-B, Louisville.

Processing Groups

Process groups allow individuals to share their experiences and express emotions with others and a trained therapist. Groups meet virtually.Mondays, 6-7 p.m.Learn more and register

Find more support.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Breakfast in the ParkSaturday, April 29 -10 a.m. to noonCommunity Park, 955 Bella Vista Drive, LouisvilleOpen to all residents impacted by the Marshall fire (and neighbors!). Come see your neighbors and community members as we make our way through the recovery process. Baked goods and hot and cold beverages will be served. Sponsored by Team Marshall with support from The Community Foundation. Organized by the City of Louisville and Marshall Together.RSVPs are not required but are highly encouraged.

Disaster Preparedness for the Equine CommunitySunday, April 30 – 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.Colorado Horse Rescue, 10386 North 65th Street LongmontLearn more

Buy vs. RebuildWednesday, May 3, 6 p.m.Zoom – registration required

Ethan Allen Marshall Fire Furniture EventSunday, May 7, noon to 4 p.m.Giveaways, refreshments and complimentary design advise500 Marshall Road, SuperiorQuestions: 303-460-0694

2023 Disaster Education & Outreach Series: Protecting the Watershed & Water SourcesWednesday, May 10 – 6-8 p.m.Superior Community Center, 1500 Coalton Road, or virtually via ZoomLearn more about the 2023 Disaster Education & Outreach Series

EnergySmart Open Office Hours:Second and fourth Thursday of every month – Feb. 9 through June 299 a.m. to noon (no appointment necessary)Superior Community Center, 1500 Coalton RoadGet free advice on building efficiently – for homeowners, builders, code officials, trade partners

Chat with a Construction CrewThird Thursday of every month – Feb. 16 – May 1810 a.m. to noon (no appointment needed)Marshall ROC Office, 357 McCaslin Blvd, Suite 115-B, Louisville

View all upcoming meetings/events AND recordings from past meetings/events


Mental Health Resources

Recovery Navigators

List of Builders

Rebates, Discounts, and Incentives

Boulder County Rebuilding Better

Sign up for the EnergySmart Newsletter

The latest information and resources are located on the Boulder County Marshall Fire Recovery website or contact Katie Arrington, Assistant Recovery Manager for Boulder County,