March 5, 2021
March, Mobility for All Local Coordinating Council Agenda and Newsletter
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In an effort to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, the Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is currently closed, and we continue to perform all operations remotely. Please visit our webpage at for more information.
March 8, 2:00-3:50 p.m.
Register in advance for this meeting
Welcome & Introductions
- Ice Breaker Break Out Sessions/Case Study
Poll on Boulder County LCC Rename Options:
- Mobility and Access Coalition
- Mobility for All Coordinating Coalition
Member Updates
- Transportation to Vaccines
- RTD LiVE Lunch and Learn
- Lunch and Learn: Accessing RTD
Revitalizing Access in Boulder
- Mallory Baker, City of Boulder
DRCOG 2050 Metro Vision & Coordinated Plan
- Public Review Period
Working Group Discussion
Outreach Strategies
- What role would you like to see the LCC play in advancing outreach and educational efforts?
- What are unique outreach strategies to reach various demographic groups in times of COVID?
- How can we better reach Older Adults, Spanish Speakers, Households with Low Incomes, Youth, Individuals with Disabilities?
- Next meeting: Monday, April 12, 2021, 2:00 - 3:50 pm
- To Join the Local Coordinating Council Email List, Contact:
March 9
SH 119 Membership Meeting,
Commuting Solutions
March 10
Accessing RTD Using Apps, Mobility for All
March 11
BTC Quarterly Meeting,
Boulder Transportation Connections
March 17
RTD Live and Mobile Ticketing Workshop
Mobility for All
March 17
Bicycle-Friendly Driver Webinar, Bicycle Colorado
March 17
Safe Walking for Ages 5-9,
Boulder County
March 18
Lunch and Learn: Helping the People You Serve Understand How to Use RTD, Via and DRMAC
March 23
Programa LiVE de RTD y Mobile Tickets, Mobility for All
March 31
Safe Walking for Ages 10-14,
Boulder County
Transportation Options to Reach COVID-19 Vaccination Sites
Mobility for All has completed the Transportation Option to Reach Covid-19 Vaccination Sites plan. The document is designed to help clients find the best transportation option to reach vaccine sites throughout Boulder County. The plan includes an inventory of all transportation organizations who are providing trips to and from vaccine sites through out the county. The plan includes the population each organization serves, geographic area, services they provide and contact information, all in an easy to read matrix allowing for quickly finding the transit solution that works best for each client.
The plan can be found here English | Español
drcog: Metro Vission Regional Transportation Plan
As the Denver region continues to grow, DRCOG is committed to continuing to improve the region’s transportation infrastructure and services. The 2050 RTP is a comprehensive vision for improving how we get around. The draft of the plan is now available for your review, and a public hearing on the draft will be held on March 17. Watch the short video to find out more about the plan.
Multimodal Transportation Planning Division Open House
On February 18th Bolder County's Multimodal Transportation Planning Division held an open house event. At the open house planners from across the department presented on, ongoing transportation projects from across the county. The meeting covered all active projects the Multimodal Division is currently working on. A recording of the even can be found here.
Recorded Lunch and Learn
Mobility for All hosted a Lunch and Learn Session with the RTD LiVE Eligibility Specialist on Feb 11. This session was intended for case managers and resource navigators, who routinely assist clients in accessing assistance programs. The session covered common application barriers and how to help people overcome them.
Lunch & Learn: Helping the People You Serve Understand How to Use RTD
Join the Via Mobility Services, Denver Regional Mobility & Access Council, and Mobility for All to learn about options to help people safely get around their community using RTD.
This Lunch and Learn is intended for case managers and resource navigators, who routinely assist clients in accessing assistance programs, employment, basic needs, and healthcare.
Register here
Take the Vision Zero Pledge
No one should die or lose a loved one while traveling on roads in the Denver region. We believe traffic crashes are preventable and need a planning and engineering approach that prioritizes protecting human life. Help the Denver region move toward realizing our vision of zero deaths or serious injuries on our roads by taking the Vision Zero Pledge to practice safe behaviors while traveling from one place to another.
Help NADTC Learn More About Transportation Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the United States
As part of continuing efforts to identify transportation access, usage and disparities that impact diverse groups, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) has launched a national equity, diversity and inclusion transportation survey. The survey will gauge opinions and obtain information from a representative sample of racially, ethnically and culturally diverse older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers about their experiences accessing and using local transportation options in the United States.
Panel Discussion (recorded): Environmental Justice & Transportation, DRCOG & MHC
Webinar: The Biden Administration and Transportation Policy, America Walks
Report: Transit Equity is Not About Which Communities Transit Serves - It's Also About When, Nelson Nygaard
Webinar: Sustainability and Equity of Electric Vehicles, Northern Colorado Clean Cities
Study: Balancing Equity & Density with Scooters, StreetsBlog SF
COVID-19 Vaccination and Transit: Without a Ride, Many in Need Have No Shot at COVID-19 Vaccine, PEW
Aging and Equity: What Might it Mean for the United States to Achieve Equity for older Adults of Color?, American Society on Aging
Transit: RTD Wants More Housing Near Stations. It May Sacrifice Unused Parking Spots To Make That Happen, CPR
Ridesharing: Rural Rideshare: Sustainability Beyond The Pilot, National Center for Mobility Management
Transit and COVID-19: Getting people on the bus, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Transit: One Thing Millennials Aren't Killing? Public Transportation, NPR
School Transportation: How to Electrify the Nation’s School Buses, StreetsBlog USA
Transit Equity: Cultivating a Culture of Transit, Planetizen
Transit and Mental Health: RTD Hires Three Clinicians to Assist Customers Experiencing Mental Health Issues, RTD
Stay Up to Date on Transportation Services in the Denver Region During the COVID-19 Pandemic!
Request mobility resources and we will bring them to the next LCC meeting. Examples include:
- DRMAC Getting There Guides
- VIA brochures
- LCC brochures
- M4A brochures
- Ride Free Longmont Maps
- And MORE!
Boulder County LCC Vision: Promote and provide efficient, accessible, affordable, seamless, equitable, responsive, and
easy to arrange transportation options for Boulder County residents through coordination and collaboration between
service providers.
Mobility for All Program