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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

June 6, 2020

Media Contact

Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Lost dog rescued from North Saint Vrain Creek

Mowgly, a yellow lab, had been missing since Tuesday

Lyons, Colo. - Yesterday afternoon, just after 7:00 p.m., three swift water rescue teams completed the rescue of a yellow lab named Mowgly who had been missing since Tuesday.

On June 2, friends of the dog’s owners took Mowgly with them on a camping trip near the Coulson Gulch Trailhead, which is located next to Johnny Park in northwest Boulder County. Shortly after arriving, the campers noticed Mowgly had disappeared. Mowgly’s owners, along with many of their friends, began hiking the mountains from Coulson Gulch to the North Saint Vrain Creek looking for him, and posted signs and electronic messages asking recreators to be on the lookout for him. Their search efforts spanned all three days Mowgly was missing.

On June 5, at approximately 10 a.m., one of the searchers spotted Mowgly from the top of a cliff. Mowgly was lying near a large tree near the North Saint Vrain Creek on a small section of dry land, surrounded by rock cliffs that left him unable to move further. Mowgly likely fell into the North Saint Vrain Creek but was able to crawl out onto the small 20-foot piece of land up a small shoot between the rocks near the tree. It is believed Mowgly had been there since going missing on Tuesday.

Three swift water rescue teams responded to help rescue Mowgly from his perch across the creek. It took time for the rescue teams to establish the Tyrolean traverse rope rescue system to return Mowgly to safety given the terrain. Establishing the rescue system required two rescue swimmers to locate a suitable location on the creek that was calm and safe enough for them to cross. Once across the creek, the rescuers had to hike across and then down to Mowgly’s location and beginning the process of rigging the rescue roping. Once the rescue system was secured, Mowgly was placed into a dog rescue harness, was attached to the Tyrolean rope, and was ferried over the creek back to safety. Once safely on the north side of the creek, rescuers walked him up the steep slope to his waiting family and friends.

Mowgly was calm throughout the rescue, was found to be uninjured, and returned home with his owners after his rescue. If not for the dedication of Mowgly’s family and friends pursuit to find him, it is unlikely he would have been found in time.

The three swift water rescue teams who collaborated together to save Mowgly were from the Lyons Fire Protection District, Boulder Emergency Squad, and the Boulder Fire Department. They were assisted by deputies and emergency services coordinators from the sheriff’s office.

The case number associated with this incident is 20-2498.

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/s/ Sgt. Dave Booton
Emergency Services Unit