August 14, 2022
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Injured Hiker Rescued in the area of Lake Isabelle
Boulder County, Colo. -
On Sunday August 14, 2022 at approximately 11:18 p.m., Boulder County Communications was notified of a hiker who had injured his knee in the area of Lake Isabelle at the Brainard Lake Recreation Area.
The 54-year-old male was hiking back down to the trailhead when he tripped, which injured his knee. As a result of the injury, he was unable to walk out to the trailhead. Rescuers from Indian Peaks Fire Protection District and Rocky Mountain Rescue Group hiked in and provided medical care. The injured male was then packaged in a full body splint and litter and evacuated out to the trailhead.
Once back at the trailhead, the injured party was evaluated by paramedics from American Medical Response and transported by ambulance to a local area hospital for further care and evaluation.
Agencies assisting with this rescue effort included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, Indian Peaks Fire Protection District, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group, and American Medical Response.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: #22-03991.
/s/ Ryan Singer, Emergency Service Coordinator