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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

February 5, 2022

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Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Injured cross-country skier assisted out from CMC Trail

Boulder County, Colo. - On Saturday, February 5, 2022 at approximately 11:27 am, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a cross-country skier who had injured her elbow in a fall on the CMC Trail, east of Brainard Lake. The injured skier’s companion skied out to the trailhead to find cell service to make the 911 call.

Indian Peaks Fire Protection District personnel arrived at the trailhead and learned that the injured fifty-four-year-old female was approximately one-and-one-half miles in on the trail. Fire personnel used snowmobiles to gain access to the scene. Once there, they evaluated and splinted the arm of the skier, who was then assisted, via litter, to the winter parking lot. AMR personnel evaluated the injured skier, from Denver, and then transported her to a Denver area hospital. The rescue took approximately one-and-one-half hours.

Agencies that assisted with this rescue included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, American Medical Response, Indian Peaks Fire Protection District and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group.

The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is 22-488.


/s/ Emergency Services Supervisor - Kelly Lucy