October 3, 2020
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Hiker with Chest Pains walks out on own accord
Boulder County, Colo. - On October 3, 2020, at 11:14 A.M., the Boulder County Communications Center received a 911 call from a hiker on the Hessie Trail located west of Nederland, CO. The caller stated his friend was having a heart attack.
Boulder County Emergency Services along with Rocky Mountain Rescue, Nederland Fire, Grand County Rescue, American Medical Response and Flight For Life all responded to the area. The injured party was located a couple miles west of the trailhead on the trail. After assessing the 56 year old man from Denver, it was determined that he wanted to walk out on his own accord. The male was checked by American Medical Response at the trailhead and released to a family member.
The associated case number was 20-4428.
/s/Sgt. Jason Shatek