Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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September 11, 2023

Gross Reservoir Impact Mitigation Fund Award Claims Are Being Processed

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Construction equipment working on rocks and gravel

Boulder County Gross Reservoir Community Newsletter

September 2023

Please allow up to 60 days to receive an award payment due to the high-volume of requests

Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund – Phase 1 Distribution

Payment award letters totaling $4 million in payouts approved by the Boulder County Commissioners for the Phase 1 Distribution were sent to eligible households in August using mailing addresses of record with the Boulder County Assessor’s Office.*

The Phase 1 Distribution methodology using Final Pinyon Rankings for air, noise, and visual impacts was applied to eligible property addresses to determine final payment amounts.

Check Processing Time

Please allow up to 60 days from the date we receive your paperwork to be mailed a check. The process for verifying eligibility and recording award claims has many steps. We appreciate your patience as we get through the high volume of claims we've received. Please do not expect payment any sooner than 45 to 60 days since you sent in your paperwork or applied online.

More than $1 million in claims are already in the process of being paid. (Please note: No checks have been issued (or mailed) yet. As the county begins to issue payments, we will update the website with the total dollar amount of claims paid out.)

1099s and Tax Year Questions

For tax purposes, if you wish to ensure that you receive your payment in this year’s tax cycle (2023), please submit your claim by Nov. 15, 2023.

  • Boulder County will mail you a 1099-G in the beginning of the calendar year following the year you received an award payment (i.e., claims paid in 2023 will receive a 1099-G in the beginning of 2024).
  • Claims received between November 16 and the end of the year may result in a payment being issued in tax year 2024. (i.e., claims submitted within this timeframe may have a check issued in either tax year, depending on processing time.)
  • If you wish to ensure that your payment is issued for tax year 2024, please wait until January 1 or later to submit your paperwork.
  • Remember, all claims must be requested by the deadline of April 30, 2024.

Many commonly asked questions can be addressed as follows:

*If you have not received an award letter and your property address is on the eligible household list (available for review at, go to to search for your residence by address and look up your current mailing address (if different from your property address). Mailing address updates can be sent to and will be verified.

If you have questions of Boulder County* about the Gross Reservoir Dam Expansion Community Impact Mitigation Fund, please email Feel free to forward this email to anyone else who may benefit from the contents.

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Visit Boulder County's
Gross Reservoir Dam Expansion Community Impact Mitigation Fund website at:

*If you are looking for Denver Water's website, please visit: