September 7, 2023
Free trees for Marshall Fire homeowners
Free trees for Marshall Fire homeowners
The Tree Trust will have a limited number of trees available for Marshall Fire homeowners who are ready to plant in fall 2023. If you're interested, please fill out this form by Friday, Sept. 8. The quantity and type of trees cannot be guaranteed.
The Tree Trust will contact you to verify your tree order, pickup date, and location as soon as they know more about available trees. Requests are anticipated to be verified in mid-September.
Get more information about the program.
If you are not yet ready to plant, there will be more trees available in spring and fall 2024.
A huge thanks to a small group of advocates who have been working tirelessly to ask local organizations and nurseries for trees to replenish what our community lost.
This program is made possible by the Tree Trust, Marshall ROC, Marshall Together, and Cool Boulder.