Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Monday March 17, Red Flag Warning. No Open Burning in Boulder County

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September 17, 2020

Free COVID-19 testing in Boulder in response to recent increase in COVID-19 cases

Boulder, CO - In the last two weeks there has been a significant increase in the number of Boulder County residents testing positive for COVID-19. In response to this increase, Boulder County Public Health, the University of Colorado-Boulder, City of Boulder, and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment have partnered to bring free testing to the city.

“We want to make sure there are no barriers for residents to learn if they might be spreading this virus,” said Jeff Zayach, Boulder County Public Health executive director. “By having free and easy testing available, we can more quickly and effectively identify and separate those who are infected. We are very pleased that more than 400 people got tested at the walk-up clinic held yesterday.”

Anyone interested in being tested is encouraged to visit the testing sites. An appointment is not required, and there is no cost to receive the test. Residents should bring a form of identification to ensure that test results can be accurately recorded.

Residents do not need to have COVID symptoms to be tested. Anyone feeling severely ill should contact their health care provider or seek medical attention instead of visiting the free testing site. The wait time for testing at the walk-up site has averaged about 30 minutes.

Drive-Thru Test Site: Gerald Stazio Softball Fields, 2445 Stazio Dr, Boulder. Take Arapahoe Road (Valmont Road will be closed) to 63rd Street; turn north onto 63rd Street; and follow to Stazio Drive; turn left on Stazio Drive and follow signs for testing.

Walk-up Test Site: Pleasant Street parking lot at 1205 Pleasant Street, in Boulder.

Anyone attending should wear a mask until they're asked to remove it for the test, stay in their car if they're vising the drive-thru site, and bring photo identification to ensure the test results are correctly recorded.

Hours for both sites are 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., 7 days per week. The walk-up testing site will be available through September 30 and the drive-thru site will be available through October 2, but can be extended depending on case positivity rates.

Test results can be expected within 24-48 hours. Residents who test positive for COVID-19 will be contacted by Boulder County Public Health epidemiology staff for follow-up. Residents who test negative will be contacted by the Colorado Department of Public Health lab staff.