November 22, 2021
Media Contact:
Mircalla Wozniak, Communications Specialist, 303.413.7766
Final Official Results for 2021 Coordinated Election
Boulder County successfully completed Risk-Limiting Audit
Boulder County, Colo. – The final official results from Boulder County’s 2021 Coordinated Election are available now at www.BoulderCountyVotes.org.
The final official results include the Statement of Votes, a document that shows precinct-by-precinct results for each contest. The Statement of Votes will be forwarded to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office as part of the election close out process.
Last week, elections staff and bipartisan Audit Board members (five Democratic Party appointed members and five Republican Party appointed members) successfully completed the Boulder County portion of the statewide Risk-Limiting Audit. This is a post-election audit that provides citizens with evidence that election results tabulated by the voting system reflect the actual votes cast by voters. The process reviews how a ballot’s votes were captured at the time it was processed by the voting system by comparing the actual physical ballots with the digital tallies captured at the time of ballot processing. To perform the audit, the Secretary of State’s office assigns a random sampling of the exact ballots a county must review out of all the paper ballots cast in an election.
Elections staff also completed the overall reconciliation process. This process provides the data and information needed for the Canvass Board to certify that the number of votes counted is equal to or less than the number of ballots cast and that the number of ballots cast is equal to or less than the number of eligible voters. The Reconciliation Report is also available online.
This year’s Canvass Board consisted of Boulder County Clerk Molly Fitzpatrick and party representatives from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Lynne McNamara represented the Democratic Party. Joseph Green represented the Republican Party.
Monday afternoon via a remote video conference, the Canvass Board certified the election results. The canvass documents, audit documentation, and the Statement of Votes are available at www.BoulderCountyVotes.org.