June 27, 2020
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Female suffers medical issue on Fourth of July Trail
Boulder County, Colo. - On Saturday, June 27, 2020 at approximately 11:36 a.m. the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received a report from a City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks ranger of a female having, what was believed to be, a seizure on the Fourth of July Trail, approximately a half mile from the trailhead.
Members of the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office and the Nederland Fire Protection District hiked in and located the 56-year-old female from Northglenn. While rescuers hiked in, an emergency room physician, who was hiking in the area, checked on the female twice to ensure she was doing okay. With assistance from the fire fighters, the woman was able to walk out. The female was then transported to a local hospital. The rescue took approximately one and one-half hour hours.
Agencies assisting with this rescue effort included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks, Nederland Fire Protection District, American Medical Response, and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: #20-2810.
/s/ Emergency Services Coordinator - Kelly Lucy