February 5, 2021
February, Mobility for All Local Coordinating Council Agenda and Newsletter
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In an effort to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, the Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is currently closed, and we continue to perform all operations remotely. Please visit our webpage at www.boco.org/cpp for more information.
Feb 8, 2:00-3:15 p.m.
Register in advance for this meeting
Welcome & Introductions
- Black History Month Video
- Ice Breaker Break Out Sessions/Case Study
Poll on Boulder County LCC Rename Options:
- Mobility and Access Coalition
- Mobility for All Coordinating Coalition
- Coordinating Coalition on Access and Mobility
- Transportation Solutions for Boulder County
- Email mobilityforall@bouldercounty.org with other ideas!
Member Updates
- Transportation to Vaccines
- Ride Free Lafayette
- RTD LiVE Promotional Effort
RTD Accountability Committee
- Alex Hyde-Wright, Boulder County Transit Planner
- RTD Accountability Committee Preliminary Report
RTD Service Change Input Session
- Lindsey Alarcon, RTD Communications
Working Group Discussion
Transportation Provider & Program Data
- What data should we be requesting from transportation providers to get a better understanding of equitable, affordable, and accessible transportation network in Boulder County?
- Considerations: Federal Transit Administration and Older American Act Data Reporting Requirements
- Next meeting: Monday, March 8, 2021, 2:00 - 3:50 pm
- To Join the Local Coordinating Council Email List, Contact: mobilityforall@bouldercounty.org
Feb 10
Virtual Using Google Maps Workshop, Mobility for All
Feb 11
Travel Training 101: RTD (buses, trains) & Lyft (scooters, cars), DRMAC & Mile High Connects
Feb 11
Lunch & Learn: Helping the People you Serve Signup for RTD LiVE, RTD LiVE & Mobility for All
Feb 12
Boulder Bicycle Film Festival,
Community Cycles
Feb 12
International Winter Bike to Work Day, Community Cycles
Feb 18
Transportation Projects Open House, Boulder County
Feb 20
RTD LiVE and Mobile Ticketing Workshop, Mobility for All
Feb 27
Programa LiVE de RTD y Mobile Tickets, Mobility for All
Boulder County Public Health Vaccine Distribution
Colorado will continue to receive a limited supply of the first available vaccines from both Pfizer and Moderna. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has oversight of the distribution of all COVID-19 vaccine to local communities.
All vaccine providers administer vaccine according to the vaccine prioritization set by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline: 877-CO VAX CO (877-268-2926). Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Beginning Feb. 1, hours will extend to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Boulder County is distributing COVD-19 vaccines to qualifying residents. More information can be found at https://boco.org/CovidVaccine
Boulder Housing Partners is Bringing Solar Power to Residents
Boulder Housing Partners (BHP) and GRID Alternatives (GRID) are finalizing the installation of a new solar garden in North Boulder that is 100% dedicated to offsetting energy use for low-income residents. The City of Boulder is providing financial support to this solar project to help maximize the utility bill savings for residents. The solar array is anticipated to begin producing renewable energy beginning in 2021.
BHP will use the estimated energy cost savings of $647,237 over 20 years to both reduce operating expenses and provide direct utility bill savings to its residents.
“Electricity costs are increasing faster than inflation, and this is one way to fix these costs for BHP and its residents—providing a long- term solution for sustainable and low cost energy for both,” said Jeremy Durham, executive director of BHP. “We are pleased to continue this important partnership with GRID.”
More information can found here
2021 Winter Bike to Work Day Scavenger Hunt
Community Cycles is hosting 2021 Winter Bike to Work day Scavenger Hunt. The scavenger hunt highlights five new pieces of cycling infrastructure through out Boulder. Play along by taking your photo** in front of any 5 of these locations and email your photos to hunt@communitycycle.org and you will win a Community Cycles’ Park Tool Multi-tool!
Details can be found here
Virtual Coffee with a Technology Ambassador
This year, we want to feature our Mobility for All ambassadors. Our ambassadors have worked hard to help people learn how to use different transportation apps.
If you’d like help with learning how to use Google Maps, RTD Mobile Tickets, Transit, Uber, or Lyft, you can fill out this Coffee with an Ambassador Form. This virtual coffee meeting is great for getting 1-on-1 help or if you just want to chat.
Transportation Projects Open House
Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting invites the traveling public to learn about the long list of transportation projects the county currently has underway. Members of the public will hear an overview of the projects, learn where to find more resources, receive contact information for project managers and ask questions.
Register at https://boco.org/feb18-open-house
Lunch and Learn: Helping the People You Serve Sign Up for RTD LiVE
February 11 at Noon
Join the RTD LiVE Eligibility Specialist and Mobility for All to learn how you can assist low income clients in applying for the RTD LiVE Discount Program!
This Lunch and Learn is intended for case managers and resource navigators, who routinely assist clients in accessing assistance programs. We will cover common application barriers and how to help people overcome them.
This workshop will provide an overview of the RTD LiVE Application process:
• Qualifications to be met prior to applying
• PEAK Application Walk-Through
• Alternatives to using PEAK to apply
• Alternative ways to submit a photo
• What to expect once the application is approved
• How to upload and use the discounted fare
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment: Transportation and Climate Change Stakeholder Survey
Take CDPHE Climate Change Stakeholder Survey and help the State gather data on how they are approaching the climate crises.
Take the survey HERE
Webinar: Mobilizing transportation to increase COVID-19 vaccination, National Center for Mobility Management
Podcast: Throwing a Curve into Street Planning for Safer Communities, University of Colorado
Webinar: Transportation Inflection Reflection, Shared Use Mobility Center
Book Review: New Book, 'Land,' Searches for Solid Ground, Planetizen
Report: Spotlight on NADTC’s 2020 Innovations in Accessible Mobility Grantees, NADTC
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: ‘Awareness is not enough:' Local advocate to receive United Nations Association award, The Longmont Leader
Transit: RTD to Bring Back Laid-Off Drivers as State Looks into Retention Issues, CPR
Homelessness: Is there a Better Way to Collect Data on Homelessness?, Citylab
Transit and COVID-19: Public Transportation Should Be Free, The Appeal
Transit: Public transit is a lifeline for low-income residents. They will bear the brunt of service cuts, The Washington Post
Electric Vehicles: RMI details urgency of ride-hailing electrification, Smartcities Dive
Transportation and COVID-19: TRANSIT NEWS January 2021, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
Educators: Looking For A New Generation Of Early Childhood Educators? High Schoolers Might Fit The Bill, CPR
Transit Equity: Back on Track: Transit Equity, Streetsblog Denver
Technology: 'Getting There Guide' app connects seniors to rides, 9news
Stay Up to Date on Transportation Services in the Denver Region During the COVID-19 Pandemic!
Request mobility resources and we will bring them to the next LCC meeting. Examples include:
- DRMAC Getting There Guides
- VIA brochures
- LCC brochures
- M4A brochures
- Ride Free Longmont Maps
- And MORE!
Boulder County LCC Vision: Promote and provide efficient, accessible, affordable, seamless, equitable, responsive, and
easy to arrange transportation options for Boulder County residents through coordination and collaboration between
service providers.
Mobility for All Program