Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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January 15, 2022

Door-to-door assessments of wind- and smoke-damaged properties starts Jan. 16

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Door-to-door assessments of wind- and smoke-damaged properties starts Jan. 16, 2022

Beginning Sunday, Jan. 16, Boulder County staff and representatives will be going door-to-door in Louisville, Superior, and unincorporated Boulder County to assess properties that were not destroyed but may have sustained wind and smoke damage from the Marshall Fire. These assessments will help the county better understand what will need to be collected during the second part of the debris cleanup program’s phase two, which will involve a curbside collection of damaged household items. This collection program will start after the right-of-way (public roadways) clearing process (currently underway) is complete.

If residents are not home, material will be left behind including a request for you to self-report your smoke and wind damage by visiting For more information on the curbside debris cleanup program, please visit or call the debris hotline at 303-214-3203.