July 17, 2021
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Deceased adult male found in the area of Gross Dam Road and Coal Creek Canyon Drive
Boulder County, Colo. - On July 17, 2021, around 10:12 a.m., the Boulder County Communications Center was notified of a 20 to 30 year old male who was not concious and not breathing in the 31000 block of Coal Creek Drive. Rescuers from the Coal Creek Fire Department and American Medical Response were first on scene and pronounced the the adult male dead at the scene.
Boulder County Coroner's Office Investigators and Detectives from the Boulder County Sheriff's Office responded to the scene to investigate the incident. The death was not deemed suspicious and there is no threat to the public.
The identity of the decedent, as well as the cause and manner of death will be determined by the Boulder County Coroner's Office.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is 21-3335.
/s/ Sergeant Andy Smith