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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

July 6, 2023

Media Contact

Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Cruelty to animal case being investigated

Public asked for help identifying the vehicle, suspect, or the dog

Boulder County, Colo. - On June 23, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office was called after a person found the body of a dog on the side of a private road off Coal Creek Canyon Drive in unincorporated Boulder County.

The incident is being investigated as a cruelty to animal case due to the condition of the animal’s body, which had sustained multiple injuries, and the manner in which it was disposed. The deceased dog was a young, neutered, male German Shepherd. We believe the dog was left on the side of the road sometime between June 13 and June 15.

A game camera on the property captured a suspicious vehicle, which may have been driven by the suspect. The vehicle was a rented Home Depot van, that had damage on the passenger side, by the rear tire.

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control unit is investigating and would like to hear from anyone who may have information on this case. Please send information you may have on the vehicle, suspect, or dog, to:

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office associated case number is: #23-03388.


/s/ Carrie Haverfield, Public Information Specialist