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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

January 14, 2021

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Cone Zones: 71st Street construction requires roadway closure Feb. 1 to Feb. 26

Expect daytime, weekday travel delays after closure timeframe

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Public Works has started phase one of a two-phased reconstruction project of 71st Street between Lookout Road and State Highway (CO) 52.

Road Closure starting Feb. 1

In order to safely replace the Boulder and Whiterock Ditch culvert, 71st Street will need to be closed in both directions between Glacier View Road and Winchester Circle for approximately three weeks starting Monday, Feb. 1. Access to businesses in the Gunbarrel Tech Center off of Winchester Circle will be maintained from 71st Street via CO 52 on the north. See a map of the closure area.

After the work requiring the road closure is complete, the project will require the following traffic control measures at various times throughout construction:

  • Full road closures with associated travel detours
  • Single-lane closures
  • Merger of the shoulder/bike lane with the main travel lane
  • Intersection closures
  • Closures and detours of the Longmont to Boulder (LoBo) Trail
  • Sidewalk closures on side streets along 71st

Work will take place between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The project is anticipated to last four months, weather permitting.

In addition to the culvert replacement, the project will also include:

  • Drainage improvements
  • Intersection improvements at 71st Street and Lookout Road
  • A new at-grade, median-protected crossing of 71st for the LoBo Trail and new segments of the trail near the crossing
  • Repaving of 71st Street from Lookout Road to just north of Winchester Circle
  • New 10’ wide multi-use path along 71st between Lookout at Winchester Circle
  • Curb and sidewalk improvements on Mt. Sherman, Mt. Meeker, and Glacier View roads
  • Improved lighting and bicycle parking along the corridor

Phase two of the project will take place between Winchester Circle and CO 52 and will include a realignment of the 71st/CO 52 intersection. Timing for this phase has not yet been determined.

For more information, visit the county’s project website, or contact Andrew Barth, Public Works Communications, at or call 303-441-1032.


View of 71 St. Street (pre-construction) looking north

This stretch of 71 St. (looking north) is part of the phase one of a two-phased reconstruction project of 71st Street between Lookout Road and State Highway (CO) 52

View of 71 St. Street (pre-construction) looking south

This stretch of 71 St. (looking south) is part of the phase one of a two-phased reconstruction project of 71st Street between Lookout Road and State Highway (CO) 52