Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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Tuesday March 18, Red Flag Warning. No Open Burning in Boulder County

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April 2, 2021

Boulder County Public Health Updates Facial Covering Order to Remove Outdoor Requirements

Face Covering Requirements Remain in Place for Public Indoor Spaces

Boulder County, CO - Boulder County Public Health has updated the Boulder County Facial Covering Order to align with the Colorado Face Covering Order by requiring facial coverings in indoor public spaces at all times. Today, based on increasing vaccinations particularly among the vulnerable population, the board of health approved removing outdoor requirements face covering requirements. Although no longer required under law, Boulder County Public Health still recommends wearing a face covering whenever social distancing cannot be maintained between members of different households outdoors.

Boulder County Public Health’s Face Covering Order requires a face covering for all individuals over age 10 in all indoor public spaces, regardless of vaccination status or group size.

“As restrictions gradually ease, it is important to continue wearing masks in indoor spaces,” said Lexi Nolen, Boulder County Public Health interim executive director. “While we are making great strides, we need to keep safety guidelines in place for a while longer.”

Over 110,000 Boulder County residents, representing over 40% of the eligible population, has received at least 1 course of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The changes to the order include:

  • Boulder County residents must wear a face covering whenever entering or within any public indoor space that is not that person’s residence, or while using or waiting to use the services of any taxi, bus, light rail, train, car service, ride-sharing or similar service, or mass transportation.
  • All individuals older than ten years old must wear a face covering in public indoor spaces in Boulder County at all times.
  • When outdoors, individuals are not required to use face covering. However, a face covering is recommended if social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Participants of indoor sports must wear a face covering pursuant to Boulder County’s Face Covering Sports Guidance. If playing outdoors, a face covering is not required but is recommended.

“We know there is pandemic fatigue, and we are grateful to every single resident who continues to take steps to protect themselves and the community by wearing a face covering. It takes all of us to end the pandemic,” said Nolen.

Children younger than two years old should not wear face coverings due to their risk of suffocation. Anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove their mask without assistance should also refrain from wearing one.

The Order requires businesses to ensure all individuals, including customers, are wearing face coverings the entire time they are in a public indoor space. Visitors to public indoor spaces who cannot tolerate a mask should seek alternatives, such as curbside delivery, to avoid entering public indoor spaces.

Although the State’s Executive Order 2021-079 provides some additional exemptions based on vaccination status and group size, these exemptions do not apply in Boulder County.

Boulder County’s Face Covering Order will go into effect on Monday, April 5, 2021 and remain in effect for 30 days. Boulder County Public Health will continue to monitor vaccination rates, case rates, and hospitalization rates during that period.

Anyone with questions regarding this order should contact the BCPH Call Center at 720-776-0822 or view the COVID-19 information on BCPH’s website at