April 21, 2022
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Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Boulder County enacts Level 1 Fire Restrictions
Forecast for continued warm temperatures, wind, and dry conditions has increased fire danger
Boulder County, Colo. - Sheriff Joe Pelle has enacted Level 1 Fire Restrictions, effective immediately, for all areas of unincorporated Boulder County. The fire restrictions are being implemented due to increasing fire danger, lack of moisture, and the forecast for warm temperatures.
The fire restrictions PROHIBITS:
The fire restrictions ALLOWS:
For current fire, shooting and developed recreation site restrictions and seasonal closures for USFS properties, visit: www.fs.usda.gov/detail/arp/alerts-notices/?cid=fseprd533597#boulder.
The following United States Forest Service (USFS) developed recreation sites are located within Boulder County and are exempted from the fire restrictions, in accordance with USFS policies and closures, when open and staffed: Kelly Dahl Campground, Rainbow Lakes Campground, Camp Dick Campground, Peacefully Valley Campground, Meeker Park Overflow Campground, Olive Ridge Campground, and the Brainard Lake Recreation Area, which includes the Pawnee Campground.
The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office can’t ban agricultural burning, as it is protected by state law from county regulation. However, any agricultural fire that escapes and damages other property does subject the ditch operator or farmer to criminal and civil liability. Also, no agricultural burning should occur on red flag, fire weather watch, or high wind warning/watch days. Agricultural burns must be called in to dispatch when they are occurring by the farmer or ditch operator conducting them.
The fire restrictions do not affect open fires within incorporated cities and towns; however, residents and visitors must comply with applicable ordinances and regulations in their respective cities and towns. The fire restrictions will be in effect until Sheriff Pelle finds that the hazardous conditions have subsided.
Anyone found in violation of the fire restrictions may be convicted of a civil infraction and may be subject to up to a $1,000 fine, in addition to any possible civil penalties. Higher fines may be imposed for subsequent offenses.
Colorado state statutes authorize counties to impose fire restrictions, "to a degree and in a manner that the Board of County Commissioners deems necessary to reduce the danger of wildfires within those portions of the unincorporated areas of the county where the danger of forest or grass fires is found to be high based on competent evidence."