Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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August 12, 2022

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging seeks community input to identify priorities for older adults and caregivers

Share thoughts during the Age Well Boulder County strategic planning process

Boulder, Colo. – Boulder County Area Agency on Aging is seeking community input for their strategic planning process that takes place every four years. Boulder County is experiencing a major change in its population: the proportion of older adult residents is greater and growing faster than ever before. For decades, the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA), in partnership with local aging services organizations, has been collecting and analyzing data about the strengths and needs of older adults in Boulder County.

Understanding the challenges and opportunities of the county’s aging population is critical for elected officials, city leadership, service providers, non-profits, faith communities, and neighborhoods alike. BCAAA believes in supporting and implementing programs and services to support a Boulder County where all residents can all age well.

Community Assessment Survey of Older Adults (CASOA(TM))

Part of the planning process includes conducting the Community Assessment Survey of Older Adults (CASOA™). The CASOA™ is a statistically valid survey of the strengths and needs of older adults in Boulder County, as reported by older adults themselves. The goal of the assessment is to create empowered communities that support vibrant older adult populations.

Older adults within Boulder County will be randomly selected to participate in the 2022 CASOA™. If a resident receives an invitation to participate, BCAAA encourages everyone to complete the survey so the county can best serve the community. Residents 60+ years of age in Boulder County will be able to respond to an open, online version of the survey on Monday, Aug. 29.

Community Conversations

The BCAAA and municipal partners are bringing residents and stakeholders together to discuss how to better support active and healthy aging for all in the community. Join BCAAA for a Community Conversation to discuss what works well for older adults in Boulder County, and what service and resource gaps need to be addressed. Along with geographically and subpopulation-based conversations for older adults, BCAAA invites informal and family caregivers of older adults to participate. Learn more and register for Community Conversations at

There is a separate planning process to support Boulder County Veterans of all ages. Learn more at

For more information, contact Lindsay Neville, Aging Policy Advocate & Planner at or 303-441-1583.