July 2, 2020
Boulder County Area Agency on Aging offers July virtual classes and education group meetings
Afternoon and evening Medicare basics classes available
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Area Agency on Aging’s Medicare counseling program is offering live virtual Medicare Basics classes in July. Classes aim to provide unbiased, up-to-date information about Medicare enrollment, benefits, costs, what and how Medicare pays, choices under Medicare plans, how they work, and prescription drug coverage, among other topics.
Interested participants will need internet, a computer, and the appropriate application for the class. There are three classes being offered in the month of July. Please click on any one of the classes to register. Once registered, participants will receive instruction on how to join the class from their computer, tablet, or phone.
Register for Medicare Basics classes on the following dates and times by clicking the below links at:
There is no cost to attend the classes, but registration is required. For more information, or to set up an appointment with a Medicare Counselor, please call 303-441-1546.
Upcoming virtual diabetes ongoing support meeting
Boulder County Area of Aging is also now offering diabetes support group meetings online. The July virtual diabetes support online group meeting will take place on July 20, 2020 from 11 a.m. to noon with a discussion on “the Somogyi effect and the Dawn Phenomenon.” Group meetings are led by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is also a Certified Diabetes Educator.
For people who have diabetes, the Somogyi effect and the dawn phenomenon both cause higher blood sugar levels in the morning. The dawn phenomenon happens naturally, but the Somogyi effect usually happens because of problems with a diabetes management routine. Following this discussion, there will be a group question and answer session for participants.
Participants are open to Boulder County older adults over the age of 60 who have a diagnosis of diabetes and their caregivers. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. The upcoming meeting is the continuation of a support group that previously met monthly at the Lafayette Senior Center.
To register, please call the BCAAA Nutrition Line at 303-678-6115 or email infohealthyaging@bouldercounty.org and leave a message with your contact information. A meeting link or call-in number and meeting materials will be sent to all registered participants prior to the meeting.